Chapter 10

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I grab my car keys, slip on my shoes and walk out the door. I double checked to make sure I had everything before I locked it an walked to the car, I got in, through a small bag full of clothes, just in case, and buckled up. I turned on the car and put it in reverse, I drove out of the driveway and turned on the radio, Ellie Goulding was playing and of course I sang along;

Love me like you do, la la love me like you do;

I finally pulled up to Amelia's driveway and she walked out, "wow," was the only thing I could say, she was wearing a short purple dress with a black belt around the waist, black flats and her hair was down with perfect, golden curls, now I remember why I liked her. She got in the passenger seat, moving my bag, and I smiled at her, "you look great." I complimented.
"Thanks, you too." She gave me a hug and closed her door, she buckled up and we headed off. As I was driving I saw Carter in his car driving home, I hope he didn't notice me.


I was driving home when I noticed James in his car driving passed me, "Is that the girl from before?" I thought out loud, I only got a small look, "I don't know... I shouldn't come to conclusions like that, James would never be with her again after what she did to me."


I parked in the parking lot of a so called 'fancy' restaurant. we got out of the car and I locked it as we walked to the front doors of the restaurant, I opened the door for Amelia and she gave me a curtsy, "thank you kind sur." we laughed and we held hands and we stood in front of a man, "table for two." she said holding up two fingers like a peace sign.
"Right this way." he showed us to our table and we sat down, he gave us menus, "I will be back to take your orders." He walked away and Amelia and I looked at each other, we both smiled and held hands across the table.
"This is a nice place." I started.
"Yeah, it's very fancy. Thanks for bringing me."
"Of course. I Kim of had to." We laughed.
"Yeah," she let go of my hands before continuing, "I'm sorry about before. I make a lot of bad choices and I," she sighed, "I guess I was just scared."
"Why would you be scared?"
"Your friend, I just," she sighed again.
"I get it." I interrupted, "because he's gay you thought he'd-"
"Exactly. Plus you told me how you're Bi. I have never dated someone Bi so the idea of it was frightening and I feel like are relationship is moving too fast, I mean, like, you know what we did the first time I went over to your place."
"I'm sorry for yelling at you by the way, that was rude."
"It's fine, I deserved it."


I was sitting on the couch and watching some videos on YouTube. It was getting late and I was hungry, I turned off me laptop and closed it. I put it to the side and placed my bare feet on the ground, the feel of the cold floor tingled my feet and I stood up and began to walk to the kitchen. I walked in and observed the room, I took a deep breath in. I opened the fridge and grabbed an apple, I took a bite out of it as I closed the fridge door and walked out of the kitchen. I sat on the couch once more setting my laptop on my lap and re-opening it, I was about to press play on the video I was watching when I got a text message, it's from James. I read it out loud to myself, "hey! I hope you don't mind but I'm staying over at Amelia's, please don't be mad at me. Also me and her are together..." Oh my god! I texted back;

Carter: it's okay. also good 4 u! don't do anything too bad, hahaha!

James: thanks, you're the best. I will let you know if I need anything.

Carter: sounds good. txt me when u r coming home tomorrow;

I sighed, "I can't believe him." I clicked play on the video and continued to watch it.
A long time passed and it was almost 11:00pm now. I turned off my laptop and put it away, I walked to my room and slammed the door behind me. I sighed thinking to myself, don't do it, don't cut yourself, you don't need to. I banged my hand on my dresser looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes are now red and puffy from crying, "god, I'm a mess." I sniffle. I open my top drawer and grab a pair of pj pants, I change into them and lay in my bed under the covers. with my face buried in my pillow, I began to cry again. After calming down I got up again and opened my closet, pulled out the box full of diaries and carried it to my bed. I sat cross-legged on my bed beside the box and pulled out my newest diary. I opened it to the page where I left my pencil and flipped to the next page, I wrote down a lot, I filled up about two pages worth of stuff. I finally put the book back in the box then I looked through it, I pulled out the very first diary I wrote in and looked through it, I laughed at some of the random scribbles and drawing me and my friends drew in it a long time ago, I can't believe how weird I was in high school. I read some of the entries moving my lips to the words as I read;

I am pissed off today because Quin broke up with me. I apparently never spend time with her, what ever! I hung out with her 24/7 and I basically never got to be with my friends. Also when I told my friends the news the only one that actually cared was Sam, he is the best.

Sam isn't my friend anymore, he smokes and drugs and shit. also a new kid is in are class, I'm jealous of how cute he is and I can tell that Quin likes him, yes I'm still not over her. anyways the new kid is my new locker partner since I was the only one with out one so we will hopefully become friends sooner or later.

Hi there,
Me and the new kid finally hung out today, he is the best! his name is James and he moved from Canada, how cool, I could tell though because he always says eh. we get along super well and he makes me laugh and smile, he's so funny too;

A tear drop falls onto the paper and I close the book, that's when we met, for the first time, I remember it like it was yesterday.
I put the diary back in the box and close it shut, I got up and carried the box back to my closet and trough it in, closing the closet door slowly after. I went back to my bed and went back in the same position as earlier, under the covers with my face hidden in the blankets, "why does my life have to be so bad?" I whispered to myself before crying myself to sleep.

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