Part Three: Bridge

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"It was like you were holding the world when you held her / Like yours were the arms that the whole world was in / And there were no words for the way that you felt / So you opened your mouth and started to sing" — Epic III, Anaïs Mitchell

The plan from here was simple: Matthias would go to the late Brum's office (rest in peace) and find out whoever had taken his place. He'd explain who he was, his connection to Brum, and a (censored) account of the past three weeks. If the new man in charge didn't agree to let Nina go out of the kindness of his heart, Matthias would remind him of the Treaty of Belendt. He'd certainly prefer not bringing it up, but he would if he must.

Matthias found his way to the visitor's center outside the Ice Court and had papers approved to let him in. It was only a matter of time before he found himself on the familiar cobblestone path of the courtyard.

The Ice Court took his breath away the moment he stepped inside. It always had that effect on him, even after all these years. He loved the white marble fountain and how it glimmered and shined in any and all types of weather. He loved the soft winter green of the willow leaves and the way the sun reflected off the embassy's glass ceiling. Everything smelled like frosted cranberries and cinnamon sugar thanks to the little tea shop just around the corner. Everything about it felt like home.

Matthias could have spent all day admiring the courtyard, but instead he made his way to the glass bridge a couple yards away. He needed to get to the drüskelle sector as discreetly as possible, and this seemed to be the best way.

He crossed the bridge with the other excited visitors and bored ambassadors. It was surprisingly easy to blend in, especially on a busy day like this. No one even batted an eye as he walked along the inner wall of the White Island. He felt for the door to the secret drüskelle bridge, his fingers softly tracing the edge of the thick white wall until they found a small hold. He pushed the door open just a crack before slipping outside.

The door slid right back into place as Matthias looked out at the moat in front of him. He still remembered the first time he had learned about the bridge, and how he and the other boys immediately ran to the nearest window to search for it. Brum had simply shook his head at them, though Matthias knew was suppressing a small smile.

Even standing toe to toe with the moat, Matthias had a difficult time finding the bridge. It truly was impossible to find it unless you knew it was there. Matthias slowly put a foot out, and dropped it onto the white water. Just as he had hoped, it found solid glass. Matthias sighed and quickly made his way across the invisible bridge.

Find whoever's in charge and free Nina. Kehryn had made it sound like it would be difficult, but his hopes were getting higher with every step he took.

Now he was in the druskelle sector, a place he didn't think he'd see again. He must have been in Djel's favor to have this kind of luck.

Matthias knew these walls like the back of his hand, and he knew Brum's office well. He sprinted across the hall, his arms pumping steadily with him. He couldn't help but grin as he neared Brum's office, the door wide open and light flooding out. Matthias wondered who might have taken Brum's spot when he died. Perhaps it was sly-eyed Thejen Antos, Brum's second-in-command. Or maybe it was Hyos or Ereb — men who had always agreed with Brum publicly but envied his power in secret.

Matthias slowed down as he neared the door. Should he knock first? Wait until whoever was on the other side was done talking? He could certainly hear voices inside the room, even from here. He suddenly wasn't so sure he wanted to do this.

It was too late for that now — he could hear people approaching from the other side of the hall. He certainly didn't want to have to explain himself to them.

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