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It's been roughly a year or 2 since I actually published a chapter for any of these books.

I've been getting myself together as im now sitting my A levels and trying to get myself mentally prepared to take on a part time job.

I really only posted on here because it gave me a chance to vent out my dark thoughts as back in 2020 when I started this account I was in a really bad place like some others but I didn't want to go back to self harm as a way to cope.

But good news, once the Easter holidays rolls around I'll be publishing on here again and I'm getting better mentally.

Also love all comments I've been seeing some of them are amazing.

Anyway you probably don't want all this sad sappy shit 😅

I'll be posting on conversations for if you all want to talk!

Have a great day love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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