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I finally figured out when the meeting is, and Grok found me a hiding spot. So, the day of the next meeting, we're going to sneak in and gain the information I need. Hopefully all of it.

"Lief, do you mind if I head down to the bakery?" Aza asks from behind me.

I turn, scanning him. He has a mini pot of healing salve very obviously in his shirt pocket.

"Who are you healing at the bakery?"

He looks embarrassed. "Uhm, do you know Cooper?"

"My mom's apprentice? Sure. Why?"

"We've been hanging out at night. Since neither of us can really sleep easily. And he cut up his knuckles something bad a while ago."

I smile. "I'm glad you've found someone you enjoy the company of, Aza. Sure, but bring back the salve you don't use, that's the one for any accidents we have."

He nods, and quickly heads out. Well, that explains how distracted he's seemed lately.

"Ravana really wants to talk to you," Grok says, appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I know."

"If you keep pushing him away he's going to get mad and break into your waking conscious. Which isn't good because there's a chance you could see his brain, and his brain is notorious for giving psychics the scramblies."

"I'm not worried."

"He's right that you're a fool. Just let him in tonight. It'll get him off my behind."

I roll my eyes. "I have work to do. You have my route in planned out?"

"Yes sir," he says sarcastically.

I head to the alchemy room to do some work.


That night I put my guard down, leaning against my mind desk and waiting for him. He takes his time appearing, probably because he's angry with me. When he does, he seems to be sulking.

"Lief, finally letting me back in?"

"For Grok's sake."

"For Grok. Goddamnit," he snaps, causing his own skin to sizzle from the use of the name.

I watch as he runs his hands over his face.

"As soon as Grok finds a way out of the deal I forced him into, he will not care about you. He will leave, immediately. He isn't reliable, Lief."

"And you are?"

"Much more than some random faerie! I am just trying to help you," he says, stepping closer to me.

"By keeping secrets and lying?"

"What have I lied to you about? And the secrets are for both our benefits, I doubt you would believe me if I just told you everything."

"I've seen and heard some pretty unbelievable things, Ravana."

He has me cornered against the desk now, and he seems to notice through my thoughts. Instead of stepping back as he usually does when he's too close, he presses his hands atop the desk to box me in.

"I made a deal with someone, Lief. Telling you would harm me. Even telling you about this deal could."

That gives me a bit of pause. Despite my anger, I don't really want to see Ravana hurt. He's too useful.

"Who?" I ask.

He glances away. I notice that his horns, usually decorated colorfully, have been left plain.

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