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Well, I know what Ravana was referring to, after some quick research. But I also find out more about Beastons and their twin humanoids. The ones that look liek humans don't have a species name, and they seem to be the same except for a few demonic traits--claws, glowing eyes, a propensity for acrobatics and magic.

So, definitely Lief. I think I have to summon Ravana again. Also, I leave out the book, laying face up on the desk. I know Lief will be gone at the war meeting at least an hour, so I have time for the ritual.

When it appears, he's already staring at me with disdain.

"What now, silent one?"

"Why don't you tell him what he is?"

Ravana groans. "Because he won't believe anything he doesn't find out and prove on his own. You should know this by now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he didn't believe in demons despite documented evidence until he met me. That's just how he is. Very stubborn, but very intelligent."

It smiles slightly, and I wince.

"Yeah, I get it. He didn't seem to believe me about beastons until we almost got killed by one."

"He would have survived perfectly fine, they don't tend to attack their counterparts."

"How long to Beaston companions live?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Usually they get murdered to kill the beasts, so no-one really knows."

"Does killing the beast do the same to the companion?"

"They don't get killed, silent one. They're invulnerable, unless you jump inside and cut them open from within. Like, ah, similar to the Bandersnatch in that children's story? Wait, I think this reality's version is more tame... Well, you get my point, right?"

I nod. "So Lief won't die from that. Good."

"Yes, he won't. You still have feelings for him despite this Cooper boy?" he asks. Though really it seems rhetorical, he already knows my feelings.

"He seems to prefer you."

Ravana snorts. "Sex doesn't mean anything to him, even if he did remember. Lief doesn't seem to have much romantic attraction."

"How do you mean?"

"It means he takes very very long to fall in love. Years, even. Of course, I can wait."

"Right, immortality must help your patience."

"Not really."

"Why do you love him so much?" I ask.

It frowns. "You know him, why do you even need to ask?"

"I'm just curious."

Ravana sighs. "I like how bold he is, and how much poise he has, how much control he has of himself. I envy it, almost. Also, I like the feeling of his thoughts. They feel like a fleece blanket and sound like his voice when we're intimate."

"Thoughts feel like something?"

I wonder what mine feel like.

"Some I feel, some I see, some I taste. Your thoughts taste like cherry pie filling."

"That sounds annoying."

It hums. "Sometimes."

He hasn't touched the blood offering, I think maybe he isn't trying to intimidate me anymore. Of course he hears --tastes?-- my thoughts and reaches out towards the mirror.

"How are you healing your hand?" he asks, staring over at me.

"Burn suturing it and then using healing salve over."

"Flame is the only spell he's taught you?"

I nod.

"You're probably shit at human magic. Too emotional."

"Shut up, man."

"No, I'm the same way. But it doesn't really matter, if you want to learn magic you would be very good at demonic magic."

"What? There's a difference?"

It nods. "Human magic is all based on focus and intention, but demonic is mostly emotion with the right words. Do you have a good memory?"

"I mean, yes?"

"Well, start learning some demonic dialects, and I can help teach you demonic magic."

"Really? Why would you do that?"

He shrugs. "So you can stay and be mage when Lief and I leave. I will need access to your dreams later on, is that alright?"

"Sure, whatever. If I get to learn magic, anything works."

"Good. After this when we talk I will need some kind of payment for the information I give, but just until Lief and I go, after then I'll decide if it's worth anything."

I nod, and he disappears.

I go to look for the books Lief used to learn his demonic dialects. Once I find the volumes and start reading, I get lost for quite a while, struggling to repeat the growling gutteral sounds out loud.


I look up, startled to see Cooper.

"It's my lunch break, so I figured I'd bring you something to eat..."

"Oh, thanks. I was just trying to learn this language--it helps focus magic. And if I get the words down, then I don't have to meditate all the time like Lief does."

"Is he here?" he asks, handing me a sandwich.

"No, he's out. Doing Sanaoak knows what. Why?"

"So I know if I have to pretend I don't want to be close to you right now."

"You don't have to pretend either way, I'm pretty sure he's gay."

"Good to know," Cooper says, pressing his lips to mine.

I deepen the kiss, grabbing his shirt, then pull away to eat my sandwich.

"Will I see you tonight?"

I hum. "Probably, yeah. I might want to rant about magic a bit, so you've been warned."

"That's alright," he presses a kiss to my forehead, "I have to get back soon."

"Tell Rose Lief and I say hi."

"Yessir," he says, "See ya, Az."

"Bye, Cooper."

I focus back on my reading while eating the sandwich he brought me.

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