C h a p t e r 16 : The Forced Hero

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I was walking down the hallway of the great hall when I saw the Golden Trio, but instead of approaching them, I went to the Slytherin table and sat next to Draco who looked like a mess.

"I thought you wouldn't come back?... sadly," Pansy said trying to annoy me but I don't have time to play around.

"Best wishes and happy evening to every one of you. To begin with, allow me to present our newest staff... Horace Slughorn... Professor has consented to take up his old position as Potions Master. Meanwhile, Professor Snape will step into the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Dumbledore said.

"Snape?!" They were ecstatic to hear the news. While everyone cheered, Draco and I were still uneasy... I am indeed happy for Severus because finally, he got what he desired for a long time... but this is not the right time to celebrate.

"You know, when you came here tonight, every single one of you was searched. Additionally, you are entitled to know. Once there was a young man who was the same as you, strolling down the same hallway- in the same uniform, attending the same classes... Today, you all know him by another name, Voldemort. Which is why, as I look out at you all tonight. I am reminded of a sobering fact that forces of darkness strive to breach the castle walls each and at any moment. But in the end, the most powerful weapon is you..."

"This is some kind of joke" Draco exclaimed he stood up to leave... I was about to follow him when Harry, Hermoine, and Ron suddenly blocked my way.

"Where have you been, Aggie?!" Harry said.

"Can we talk about it another day? I am in a hurry right now!" I didn't wait for them to speak... I immediately walked out of the Great Hall to look out for Draco... but he was nowhere to be found.

I was wandering in the corridor until I got to the lookout tower... and finally, I found Draco too. He was dumbfounded while staring into nothingness... I stood beside him and did the same thing.

"I don't need your sympathy," Draco said emphatically.

"You need a family... and it happens that we are related so don't push me away Draco."

"I don't need your help!! I was chosen for this! and this is the only way to prove myself" he said sharply.

"You are just a kid, exactly like me... Who was forced to obtain the mark, who was so pressured by your own family that was supposed to save you but they broke you... who sought help but no one offered... you could've been good but they are turning you into some kind of monster like them... I know what it is like."

"No, you don't! You have your father that is so good to you... while I have nothing but myself!" Draco yelled now sobbing in pain.

"You have me, Draco!! We might not have been on good terms back then, but I am still your family," I said emphatically then hugged him... he didn't flinch and just cried on my shoulder. "I know what it's like... that's why I don't invalidate your feelings... but please, don't be something that you know you are not... I'm like a ticking bomb too. That may explode at any time!... The darkness was trying to eat me... trying to take my soul, but I chose to escape. And I wish you were too. Don't let the darkness swallow you up... don't be like your father!."

"What do you want to do?!" He murmured and looked at me "Disobey them and let myself get killed?... If that is so, then why don't you run away!? why are you on the Dark Lord's side now?!... Because we have no choice, Aggie!! because we are just a kid!."

"I'm saying that we can still find another way... I won't let you do this alone... I won't let them destroy you completely... I promise you, I will never leave your side." I whispered while caressing his back to comfort him.

"What if there is no other way?" he said as he stared at me intently.

"Then I will make my own way for us," I answered.

"I don't know why I'm wasting my time with you... even though I know to myself that you can't do anything... coming right from you, you are just a kid!" He exclaimed sharply then stepped out of the tower and left me alone in the middle of a freezy night.

I was stunned because what he said sank into me... what could someone like me do to save him? Because even I can't save myself.

"He can be saved if he asks to be saved... you can't force him, Miss Michel... However, you may guide him to keep him on track."

"Professor Dumbledore!" I uttered when I saw the old man.

"I know that the Dark Lord ordered Malfoy to kill me... and to you too, right?" He said as he looked at me in the eyes... I averted my gaze because he was stating facts.

"I heard from Severus what happened to you..." he added.

"Really?... or maybe you already know and you just left me in their power and waited for me to get killed?" I said bitterly... knowing that he knew everything about me but he just letting me suffer alone... He could have told me... but he didn't.

"I never meant to harm people," he said.

"But you are sacrificing their lives?... turned them into soldiers when they were nothing but kids? Am I right?! You said help will always given to Hogwarts if someone asks for it?! When did you offer help if you always wanted something in return?!... why are you still letting Snape face the Dark Lord for you?... and Draco? how about Draco?! what will happen to him?."

"None of this is my choice, Miss Michel... all I'm doing is holding back the greater deluge...what do you want me to do? just let everyone die doing nothing? When you know you can do something instead of nothing?. Death became more honorable... and as for Draco, his parents brought him to such a situation... I can't do anything about it." I couldn't speak because I knew he had a point... I guess I was just looking for someone to blame.

"One day, you'll fight on your own without my help. I hope you'll stand by them and prevent any more deaths" he suddenly said and patted my shoulder. "Draco didn't have to do what he was told to do... My time is running out."

My eyes widened when I looked at him... "Don't worry, I already took enough life to spend... and I'm getting tired too" he added. "Anyway, I am aware that you are slowly gaining full control of yourself... and I think I made the right decision not to tell you because I know you will lose control more... because of knowing your fate, fear will haunt you."

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