Chapter 7

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You were working in your room when your phone started to ring. You saw the caller ID and picked up the call. "Hey, Y/N. How are you?" Maddie asked.

"I'm good. How's the planning going?" You asked.

"Oh, it's going great. But I wanted to ask you if you had that photo of ours on my engagement party?" She said.

"I'll have to see. But why?"

"I was making a collage of my memories and I wanted that photo in it. Can you send it to me when you find it?"

"Sure, Maddie. I will." You said.

"Okay. I have to go, Jaden's getting horny." Maddie chuckled.

"I didn't need to know that. But.... ENJOY." You yelled the last part and ended the call. You sighed and went to the closet to get your camera. It had all of the photos of Maddie's engagement party, which you still had to send to her.

You paced your room as you searched for that particular photo, when your bedroom door burst open. "Hey, you busy?" Steve asked.

You jumped when you heard his voice and your camera slipped from your hand and landed on your leg. "Ahh!" You yelled in pain and clutched your foot.

"Shit." Steve muttered and walked over to you. "Sorry." He said as he held you in his arms and sat you down on the bed. He kneeled in front of you and examined your foot. "It looks bad. I'll call a doctor, okay, princess?" Steve said as he saw the blue and black marks near your toes.

You nodded in response. Biting your lip due to the pain.

"I'm sorry, princess. I didn't mean to hurt you like that." Steve said.

"It's alright, baby. It's not your fault." You said.

Steve smiled at you and removed his phone and typed something. "The car will be ready to pick us up. Can you walk?" He asked.

'I don't know." You said as Steve held his hand for you to take. You stood up as Steve supported you. "I can certainly stand."

You took a step ahead but yelled in pain when your other foot touched the cold floor. "Okay, so you can't walk." Steve said and bent down and picked you up, bridal style.

"Steve, it's fine. You don't have to carry me."

"It's okay, princess. Let me take care of you." Steve said he took you down to the garage where the car was ready and waiting. You saw Sam leaning on it. Steve motioned him to open the door and sat you in, closing the door. Steve sat down next to you and brought your injured foot to rest on his lap and gave it a small kiss.


"It's a small hair line fracture, Ms. Y/L/N." The doctor said as he finished casting your leg. "You'll be able to walk in six to eight weeks."

"Six to eight weeks?!" You yelled.

"Princess, it's alright." Steve tried to coax you.

"I have to go to my friend's wedding." You said.

"I'm sorry, dear. But you'll have to cancel it." The doctor said.

"No." You said.

"I'm really sorry, Ms. Y/L/N." He said. "You can take her home now, sir." He said to Steve.

Steve smiled and nodded in response. "Sure." Steve said as he helped you in the wheelchair. "Let's go, princess." He said and wheeled you out of the hospital and to the car.


"Hey, it's medicine time." Steve said as he leaned against your bedroom door. You were quiet since you came back from the hospital. You were very upset that you couldn't attend Maddie's wedding. "What's wrong, Y/N?"

"I can't attend her wedding." You said.

"I know, princess. But you need to heal properly. You can't shoot the whole wedding with a fractured foot." Steve said.

"But I promised her."

"Why don't you talk to her about this?" Steve suggested.

You nodded and Steve handed you your phone and dialed Maddie's number. It rang a few times before she answered. "Hey, Maddie. You got a minute?" You asked.

"Sure. What is it?" She said.

"There is a problem and I won't be able to attend your wedding." You said.

You pulled you phone away as you heard her scream. "WHAT?!"

"I know, Maddie. I fractured my leg by accident." You said.

"Oh God. Y/N..." She said. "It's fine. I understand. Is it possible for you to send someone else?"

"Yeah. I'll send the best for you, Maddie." You said.

"God, how are you so good?" She said.

"I am just being me."

"Okay. Take care of yourself and rest. You want me to come?" Maddie said.

"No. I have a friend who is helping me." You said and looked at Steve, who in return smirked at you.

"Okay. No problem. Take care. Bye." She said and ended the call.

"Friend, huh?" Steve said.

"I will tell her later." You said.

"Okay." Steve nodded. "But, you need to take the meds."

"Okay." You said and Steve handed you your pills. "Have you told Tony?"

"I did. He freaked out so much." Steve chuckled.

"Of course he did." You said.

"Oh and he also said that he will come back home next week." Steve said with a sad look on his face.

"Next week?" You said. "So, I'll have to go back."

"Yeah." Steve said. "I'll miss you."

"Me too." You said. "But let's not talk about that. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure. You choose." Steve said as he passed you the remote.

"How about Disney?"

"Sounds good." Steve said.

Okay. Let's watch The Lion King." You said and started the movie.

Soon the scene came where Scar kills Mufasa. Simba goes to his father, trying to wake him up. You hear a sniff next to you and turn your head and see Steve discreetly trying to wipe his tears. "Aww. You're crying." You cooed.

"No. Something got in my eye." Steve protested.

"Shut up. I saw it." You said. "Don't worry, baby. I won't tell anyone." You said and pecked his lips.

"You better." Steve said.

You snuggled closer to Steve and rested your head on his shoulder. Steve ran a hand up and down your arm, soothing you. Your eyes started to flutter close. You tried your best to stay awake but Steve's hand lulled you to a peaceful sleep.


Requests are open for my imagines book!! :)

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