Chapter 18

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12 hours.

That's how long Steve waited for the text to come.

Steve read the text and told Tony. "We have two hours. Maybe we should go with your plan." He said to Tony.

"Okay. Let's go. Where's the location?" Tony asked.

"A place outside the city." Steve said.

"Okay. Come on. We should leave." Tony said.


"I'll be waiting at the backdoor." Tony said as he talked to Steve a few metres away from the location. "You know what to do right?"

"Yeah. Get her out and bring her to you and leave." Steve said.

"Okay. I'll go. Good luck." Tony said and hopped in his car and drove away.

"Sam, you go back to home. I'll call incase I need backup." Steve said.

"Yeah, you taking Bucky with you?"

"Yes, I am." Steve said.

"Okay. Be careful. Bye." Sam said and left.

"Let's do this." Steve said as he and Bucky walked towards the big cabin.


The plan was going successfully till now. Steve had easily managed to get inside. He opened another door and found Y/N inside. "Y/N, princess" Steve smiled at her as she hugged him. "Shh, You're okay. I'm here now." Steve whispered to her as she cried in his arms.

"I'm okay." You said and pulled away from him, wiping your tears.

"Let's get you home. Okay." Steve said and took her hand.

"Yes." You nodded and took a step ahead but winced.

"What is it? Are you hurt?" Steve asked her.

"It's fine. The bullet just passed by. I can walk fine." You said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Steve." You said.

"Okay." Steve said and kissed you once. "Come on."

You and Steve walked outside and were greeted by Bucky and Peter. "Oh my god. Are you okay?" You asked.

"He's fine." Bucky said. "We should go. He's waiting."


"Tony." Steve said and motioned to keep going ahead. All of you walked out and saw Tony waiting outside in the van. "Hey, we found them."

"Tony." You walked up to your brother and hugged him.

"Hey sweets. You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." You said as you pulled away from him.

"Well, that's a happy reunion." A voice said.

Steve turned around and came face to face with his enemy. "Pierce." Steve said. He was shocked to see him here. His men had the whole place surrounded.


They were caught.

But he wasn't going to give up.

"Good to see you. I can finally get revenge for what you did to my family." Steve said, as Bucky and him pointed there guns at him.

"I had to come when I came to know about this little plan of yours." He said.

Steve frowned at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you really don't know do you?" Pierce laughed. "You should choose your allies carefully, Rogers. Didn't you learn anything from me?"

"Just say it. Who told you?" Steve yelled.

"Him." Pierce nodded at Tony.

"What? Stark?" Steve said. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"Who else knew about your plan then?"

Steve thought for a moment before he realised. "I can't believe this." Steve looked at Tony. "Is this true, Stark?"

"Yeah. He's not lying. I planned this." Tony said as he gripped your arm and pulled you back. Putting his gun on your head. "You got trapped, Rogers."

"Tony, what are you doing?" You said. You couldn't believe what he was doing. How could Tony do this?

Steve now pointed the gun at Tony, "Let her go."

"Oh Rogers. It's best if you surrender." Pierce said. "Put the gun down."

"Just let her go. I'm not doing anything." Steve said.

"You want her to die, Rogers?" Tony said.

"Don't do this, Tony. Please." You said.

"What are you doing Tony? She's your sister. let her go." Steve said.

"I don't care." Tony said. "Surrender or she dies."

"Steve, don't." You said.

"Shut up." Tony sneered at you.

Steve looked at you and then to Tony. He was trapped. He had no choice but to surrender. He sighed and shook his head. "I won't let you get away with this, Stark. I won't." He said, throwing his gun on the ground and raised his hands in the air.

"Steve." Bucky said, shaking his head at him.

"Do it." Was all Steve said, making Bucky throw his gun down as well. "Leave her."

"No. Not happening." Pierce said. "Put them in the van." He yelled at his men. Steve stayed silent as he, Bucky and Peter were handcuffed and pushed into a van. "You lost, Rogers." Pierce said. to him.

Steve stared at him and said, "I never lose, Pierce. You'll pay for this." Pierce scoffed and laughed as he stepped away from the van, ordering his men to close the door. Steve looked out in hopes to see you one last time but didn't see you. He caught a glimpse of the blue shirt you wore just before the doors were closed and the van started to move.

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