Chapter 15

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Steve walked towards his bedroom and saw Tony coming out and closing the door softly behind him. "She's asleep." Tony said, facing Steve.

"Is she okay? I didn't get a chance to talk to her." Steve said.

"She is in shock but she'll be okay." Tony said. "How's Barnes?"

Steve sighed, "He'll be okay."

"That's good. I should leave. Call me when you're free." Tony said, extending hid hand for Steve to shake.

"Sure. I will." Steve said and shook his hand.

"Take care of her, Rogers." Tony said. "She's all I have left."

"Me too, Tony. I will do everything to protect her." Steve said.

"I'll see you soon." Tony said and walked away.


You rolled over in bed and opened your eyes to Steve shivering in bed. He was whispering something in his sleep.

"No, Please.... Stop.... please... STOP." Steve said and you saw a few tears rolling down his closed eyes. "No, no Rora.... Come back. Come back." Steve paused as he breathed heavily. The sheets bunching up in his hand as he sobbed. "NO. NO!" He began to scream and thrashed around in bed.

You gasped and sat up and shook Steve. "Steve, wake up. It's just a nightmare. Wake up." You said.

Steve instinctively grabbed your hand and shot his eyes open. "Y/N.." He whispered and scooted closer to you.

You moved so his head was lying on your chest as he cried. "Shh, it's okay. It was just a nightmare." You said, rubbing his back to calm him.

Steve sniffed and looked at you. "Can I tell you something?"

"Anything, Stevie." You said.

"My- my sister wasn't just killed. She was raped." Steve said. "Right in front of me." Steve closed his eyes.

"Oh God, Steve. I'm so sorry." You said. You only knew that his sister was killed. But you felt bad for Steve. He had to see his own sister getting raped.

"Her name was Aurora. She was innocent. I tried to keep her safe, away from this life. But...." Steve stopped.

"Why her?"

"When I came to know who killed my parents. I went after that man. His name is Alexander Pierce. I wanted revenge. So, I started working for him. Made him trust me. And I gave his information to the feds but told them to keep my identity secret. But he found out and came after me. He came to know about Aurora. He used her to get me. When I came to talk to him he..... he raped her in front of me. I tried to stop me but his men were holding me back. I begged and begged but he didn't stop. And then his right hand man, Rumlow, killed her. He shot her dead. " Steve said. "After her funeral I started following him. I knew his schedule. From morning to night. So, I burned his house and killed him."

"Oh, Steve."

"But, today I caught Rumlow. That's why I left last night. He told me that Pierce was alive and that he's after you." Steve said.

"Why is he after me?"

"He knows you're my only weakness." Steve said and pulled away. "You don't have to worry. I won't let him come near you. I promise." He said and kissed you. "I don't want what happened to Rora to happen to you too."

"It won't. I have you and Tony."

"Yes, princess. I failed once and I won't do the same mistake ever again." Steve said.

"Come back here." You said. Motioning him to lie down again. Steve smiled and laid down in his previous position.

"Hmm. This feel good." Steve said. "My favourite pillow." He said and kissed your breasts above your t- shirt.

"Shut up." You said, hitting his back. "Go to sleep."

"Yes, ma'am." Steve whispered and closed his eyes.

You rubbed his back till you felt his breathing even down. You looked down and saw him sleeping peacefully. You threw your head back on your pillow and closed your eyes and fell asleep feeling comfortable as Steve's warmth covered you.

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