Chapter 24

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"Yes, sir. And he's got Rogers with him."

Your body froze in shock. They'd got Steve? No that can't be true. "Well, that's good news." Rumlow said.

"Boss has told you to come." The man said.

"Yeah. Go. I'll be there soon." Rumlow said and he left. Rumlow turned back to you. "See, even your dear Stevie is here. Now no one can save you."

Rumlow now started thrusting his fingers in you at a very rough pace. Making you scream out in pain. He removed his hand and unzipped your pants, pulling them down along with your panties. You shook your head at him but he didn't stop. He again plunged his fingers in you and thrusted in and out.

You had no choice. There was nothing you could do to stop him. So you let him do whatever he wanted. You let your body take over you. Rumlow stopped only after you orgasmed. "See, that wasn't so hard." Rumlow smiked down at you. "I'll give you another visit later. First I need to attend to your boyfriend."

Rumlow got up and fixed your pants and left. You let out a muffled scream and cried out. You were used and abused. Would Steve still want you after he comes to know about this?


Steve woke up but was still groggy due to the drugs he was given. He felt his hands tied behind his back and a black bag was over his head.

He heard the door open and the bag was pulled off of his head. Steve groaned as the bright lights hit his eyes. Steve adjusted to the light and saw Tony and Peter standing in a corner as they watched him. "Rogers, good to see you again." He heard Rumlow's voice.

Steve stayed quiet. Not because he was caught but because he didn't have strength. The drugs made him too weak. "What? Can't speak Rogers." Rumlow chuckled as he walked behind Steve. Rumlow looked at Tony, "Go. I can handle him."

"You sure?" Tony said.

"Yeah. Go." Rumlow said.

"Come on, Parker." Tony said and walked out with Peter.

Rumlow bent down so he was in level with him, "I have some news which will make you speak." He said. "I just had some fun with that little whore of yours." He whispered in his ear.

This made Steve shake his head, "No, no." Steve managed to mutter, "You're lying."

"No, I'm not." Rumlow said. "I made her cum on my fingers. And soon she'll be coming on my cock."

Steve's head was throbbing with the emotions going through his head. He didn't want to believe Rumlow. He wanted to see you and make sure. All Steve wanted was tp get you out of trouble. But you kept getting hurt because of him. "Don't you.... dare.... touch her." Steve said.

"Or what?" Rumlow questioned. "What are you going to do, Rogers? You can't do anything now." Rumlow was standing in front of Steve. He fisted his hand and punched Steve. "You can't do anything. You're lucky that you're still alive." He said and punched Steve again.

"Yes, there is." Steve said. "I'm gonna kill you myself. I'll kill you for what you did to Y/N."

"Oh yeah?" Rumlow quirked his eyebrows. "And how are you gonna do that?"

"You'll see." Steve smirked at him.

"I'll be waiting." Rumlow said and started punching Steve.

"Oh you will." Steve said, between punches. "And-" Steve didn't finish as Rumlow punched him again.

"And what?"

"You'll pay for what you did." Steve said and scrunched his face in pain as he spoke.

"I don't thin-" Rumlow began but was soon on the floor. Lying dead.

"You could have done that a little earlier." Steve said as Bucky stepped out of the shadows.

"Wouldn't have been believable." Bucky said as he untied Steve and helped him up. "Plus I was getting bored."

"It worked. Where's everyone else?" Steve asked.

"They'll be here in a minute." He said, "You okay?"

"I'm fine. We need to get to Y/N."

"Yeah. But we need to wait." Bucky said.

"I know." Steve said. "Where's my gun?"

"Here." Bucky said and handed Steve his gun.

"Thanks." Steve said. "Now we wait for Stark's signal."

Boss of Brooklyn ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now