Chapter 27

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"I'm right here, Pierce." Steve said and pushed the door close behind him. Both his and Tony's guns pointed at him.

"Oh I see." Pierce nodded his head, "You turning on me, Stark?"

"I never was loyal to you, asshole. You were an idiot to believe me I'd something like this. That I'd destroy my sister's life." Tony said. "I did this to keep my sister safe."

"You're not gonna go out of here alive. My men are all over the property." Pierce said.

"Not anymore." Steve said, "Till now half of them should be dead."

"You can't kill me. My men won't leave you." Pierce yelled. "They won't let you rest."

"What men are you talking about?" Tony said as he looked at his phone. "According to my information. They're all dead." Tony said and laughed, "I don't think they'll be able to chase us down."

Pierce turned and faced Steve, "You can't kill me, Rogers. I taught you the business. You owe me!"

"I don't owe you anything. I worked for you just so I could take you down. You killed my parents, raped my sister, kept her away from me for all these years. And now you hurt Y/N as well." Steve said, moving the gun between his eyes. "What was rule number one you taught me? That we don't hurt women and children or innocent people? You did exactly that. My mother and sister were innocent. What was there fault?!" Steve yelled the last part at him.

"Your father made a business deal with me. He failed to make the payment. So I did what I always did to people who fail me." Pierce said and got in Steve's face. "I killed him. But your mother saw me killing him. So...." Pierce shrugged.

Steve took his gun down and punched Pierce and kicked him to the ground. "You think you're gonna get out of here, alive? Huh?" Steve yelled and kicked him in the stomach. "And this time I'll make sure you're dead."

"Just do it, Rogers." Pierce gritted through his pain.

"That eager to die, are you?" Steve scoffed. "Don't worry. I will."

"Better do it now then." Pierce said.

"Fine then." Steve said and aimed his gun back at him and shot him straight in the head. Steve let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes as he felt the tears stinging his eyes. He finally kill Pierce. Yes his father was the same as him, but he made sure he spent his free time with his family. His loving mother was murdered just because she witnessed his father's death. And then his sweet, little baby sister. He'd revenged them all. He felt a little at peace. Now all he had to do was go home to Y/N.

"You okay, Steve?" Tony asked him, resting his hand on his shoulder.

Steve opened his eyes and nodded, "Yeah. Let's go." Steve said and walked out. Steve saw Sam and Scott waiting outside. "All good?"

"Yeah. All good." Sam said. "Pierce?"

"He's dead." Steve answered. "Burn down the place." He said and walked towards the car. Trying his best not to cry. All of them went to their cars and drove away as Pierce's mansion burnt behind them.


Bucky had arrived back at the house and the first thing he did was call Doctor Banner. He told him what happened and to come as soon a s possible.

Dr. Banner arrived with his assistant, Dr. Cho, who checked Y/N. She treated her hand had gave Bucky some medicines to give you after you'd come back to conscious.

After the doctor left, Bucky waited for Steve to come back. "Bucky." Aurora said as she saw him pacing the living room. "Is she okay?"

"For now, yeah." Bucky said and went to the bar to get himself a glass of whiskey. "She was so scared when we found her. She wouldn't let Steve touch her at first."

"She needs him." Aurora said. "She needs someone to comfort her."

"Yeah. Lets hope he comes back alive or at least in one piece." Bucky said and his phone rang. "Yeah?" He answered after seeing the ID. "Yeah. We're home. Yes. She's still out but Banner said she will be up soon. Are you on your way?"

"Yeah. We are." Steve answered. "I'll be home in an hour."

"Okay, pal. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Buck." Steve answered. "How's Rora?"

"She's okay. Worried about you." Bucky said and gave Aurora a smile.

"Okay. I'll see you later. Bye." Steve said.

Bucky nodded as he answered him, "Yeah. See you. Bye."

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