By Your Side (Injured Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Please be advised, this story contains spoilers for the end of the manga. Also, the medical technology is a few decades ahead of "Attack on Titan", but we're going to pretend. ;)

You and your comrades did what you could for Levi, but there was no getting around the fact that he desperately needed a hospital. His left leg had been completely crushed where the titan had bitten it, and Mikasa reported that she'd seen him coughing up blood – which was never a good sign. You were also fearful of damage to his internal organs from the thunderspear explosion, having seen such injuries in several training accidents over the years.

Most of the world had been destroyed by the Rumbling, but thankfully, you were able to find a local who knew of a hospital nearby that hadn't been trampled. You were also able to locate a cart and a horse to help get Levi there quickly, since you no longer had any titans to carry you. Still, the process took a long time. Too long, in your anxious opinion.

"We're here," you murmured to Levi when the hospital finally came into view.

He'd been leaning back into your arms as you sat in the cart, resting his head on your shoulder, because you'd insisted he try to get some sleep after everything he'd been through. Now, his uncovered eye fluttered open, still full of exhaustion as it met your gaze. "Will you..." he began faintly before trailing off. Even with you, even after everything that had happened, he still struggled to say anything that might be taken as weakness.

"I'll stay with you," you promised, running your fingers through his hair in a reassuring gesture. Even if all the doctors and nurses were only there to help, you knew Levi wouldn't feel comfortable in a room full of strangers with no one to watch his back, since he couldn't exactly fight for himself right now. You were more than happy to remain at his side, if it would give him peace of mind.

The cart slowed to a stop. As carefully as you could, you lifted Levi in your arms and hastened into the emergency room. Normally, he would've protested such treatment, but even he had to admit that he had nothing left in him now.

Your comrades helped create a path through the crowded emergency room as you made your way to the receptionist's desk. While you walked, your eyes automatically scanned the space, but you didn't see any obvious threats. You merely saw a smattering of anxious people – some with less-severe injuries waiting to be treated, others clearly worrying over a loved one who'd been taken back already.

"Please, we need help," you gasped as you stopped abruptly in front of the receptionist. "His left knee was crushed by a titan, and he also suffered injuries from an explosion at point-blank range."

The receptionist's eyes flicked to Levi, then blinked once in surprise. Clearly, he was on the worse end of what she'd seen today. Yet, she quickly pulled herself together and turned to a nurse, beginning a hushed and hasty conversation.

A minute later, the nurse rushed off, and the receptionist returned her attention to you. "They're bringing a stretcher for him now," she stated. "The doctor will probably want to get the details from you, and then you'll have to wait out here."

You started. "You mean I can't go with him?"

"No, ma'am. Only the patient and the medical staff can be in the room."

"But I'm –"

"Bring him here, miss," a nurse interrupted as she wheeled a stretcher toward you.

You pursed your lips, clutching Levi a little tighter. You knew the staff was just trying to do their job, and they didn't seem like the type of people who would hurt Levi once they got him alone. Still, you'd promised.

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now