Perfect (Insecure/Omega Levi x Alpha Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! I've had a lot of requests for more omegaverse, so here you go! (Apologies if omegaverse isn't your cup of tea. Feel free to skip this one.) Please be advised, this story contains attempted sexual assault, so maybe skip the first section if that triggers anything for you. I promise everything turns out alright in the end.

"...and that's when I – oh, Levi, are you okay?"

Hanji stared at the captain with concerned eyes as he abruptly stood from his seat.

"Not feeling well," he ground out, trying his best to keep his composure despite his rising distress. "I'm gonna head back."

"Do you want me to go with –"


Levi set off through the crowded bar toward the door, walking as quickly as he could without attracting attention. He didn't understand why he felt the telltale ache below his stomach and the sudden spike in body temperature that indicated the start of his heat – not when it was still several days early. But he didn't have time to figure it out. His sole focus was getting back to his room at the barracks before the effects really kicked in.

When that happened, he'd be weak as a baby while his body turned all its energy toward reproduction – easy prey for any alpha that would want to take him. And oh, they'd want to, thanks to the ridiculous amount of seductive pheromones omegas released during heat. As much as Levi hated being in that state, he couldn't do anything to change his biology, so instead, he simply managed it by locking himself in a safe place until his heat was over.

That strategy had worked – so far.

Finally, Levi cleared the crowd and stepped outside into fresh air. The slight chill of the night helped somewhat, but he knew it wouldn't be even close to enough to suppress his heat. Taking a deep breath, he set off at a brisk walk toward the barracks – again trying not to attract attention, though there weren't many people around to see.

Most omegas had an alpha partner to help with their heats, but not Levi. He hadn't met his mate – the one person selected by nature to be his perfect match – and he had no desire to pair with another alpha, not trusting anyone to be around him when he was so vulnerable. He also had major cleanliness concerns at the thought of exchanging bodily fluids with someone whose hygienic habits he didn't know, and more than that...

He'd just be self-conscious the whole time.

Even if he found someone he could trust, he'd be too concerned about his appearance to truly enjoy himself, constantly wondering if he was good enough to please his alpha. Although he had the height and petite frame of an omega, he wasn't pretty or soft like one – the latter quality being something he had to lose at a very young age in order to survive. On top of that, he was already in his thirties, whereas most omegas were either mated or married by their early twenties. Who would even want him now, when he was almost too old to be seen as "breedable"?

Levi tripped over his own feet and just barely caught himself. His heat was rising fast – too fast – and a fresh sense of urgency filled him as he stumbled on toward the barracks. He knew the weaker his body became, the more pheromones it would be producing. And that meant he'd be more and more likely to attract an alpha, if not multiple.

"Woah, there!" a man exclaimed when Levi nearly fell right into his chest.

The man grabbed Levi's shoulders to steady him, but Levi barely noticed. His mind was a fog of jumbled thoughts. Where had this person come from? Levi hadn't seen him. Why hadn't he...?

"You're in a state, aren't you, little one?" the man cooed, his breath suddenly so close to the captain's ear.

Levi froze.

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