Pure (Levi x Goddess Reader) Part 1

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! First of all, this story contains little (you might not even notice them) spoilers that haven't yet appeared in the anime. Second, it is based on Mesopotamian mythology, but I did take some creative liberties, so please don't hate me. And finally, it's a two-parter. (What can I say, except "you're welcome"?)


"As the God of War, it is obvious that a war hero belongs to me."

"Not so fast! If we gave every war hero to you, there wouldn't be enough servants for the rest of us!"

"His soul should be given to me!"

"No! Me!"

Perched upon your usual seat in the divine assembly hall, you sighed and shook your head, feeling exhausted from just listening to the other deities bicker. This wasn't the first time, though it was the most heated debate you'd seen in recent years. After all, having a person titled Humanity's Strongest Soldier as your servant did afford one with a certain prestige – and nothing was more important to a deity than status.

Although you often witnessed the debates over who got whose soul, you never participated in them. There was no point. As a minor goddess, you weren't important enough to be awarded any human servants. However, you didn't mind. Your animal servants were more than sufficient.

"Do not play dumb! You got the last one!"

"No, that was the one before –"

You rolled your eyes, then stood to your feet. It didn't sound like the other deities were going to reach a decision anytime soon, and meanwhile, Levi Ackerman's soul was being forced to wait in the holding area, with no explanation as to what was going on. Since your cohorts apparently couldn't be bothered to show any consideration toward the person whose servitude they were fighting over, you decided to take matters into your own hands.

Without a word, you slipped from the room, completely unnoticed by the deities who were still quarreling with one another.



For the third time, Levi made his way around the luxurious suite, searching for a way out.

He'd woken up in the large, plush bed several hours ago, with no knowledge of how he'd come to be here, and no one to explain what was going on. He was completely alone in the airy room, which was nicer than any he'd ever seen in his life. However, he reasoned that someone must have brought him here, just like someone must have changed his clothes – because he was now dressed in only a knee-length skirt of deep red.

So far, the sole exit he'd found was the obvious one – through the large double doors at one end of the room. Yet, no matter how many times Levi kicked them, hit them, or hurled various objects at them, they remained pristine and securely locked. The silk-draped windows and the balcony beyond were also a bust, because apparently, they were positioned above a cliff so high that Levi couldn't see the bottom.

Still, he wasn't giving up. Using all the skills and knowledge from his years in the Underground City, he searched meticulously for a secret door, or even a hidden compartment inside a desk – anything that might help him understand where he was or how to get out. It wasn't like he had anything better to do, anyway.

Knock, knock, knock.

In a blink, Levi was across the room, flattening himself against the wall next to the door, preparing for a fight. He didn't know who was on the other side, but if they'd locked him in here, they probably weren't his friends. And if he could get the jump on them, maybe he could finally escape this frustrating place – or at least obtain some answers.

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