"Just a feeling" chap 3

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"1 day later"

It's my day off  from the diner so I'm left in this house alone with Salem until my shift at the bar starts so until then i am to just find something to bide my time I only work at the bar occasionally 3 to 4 times a week and it's always close to the weekend so I love it it's like opposites working at a cute little diner in the morning and then rustic bar at night

I glance over at the clock seeing it reads


I have like 2 hours because I have to be in by 6:30 and honestly I don't wanna go but I have literally nothing else to do other than sit here and the bar work is pretty easy anyways

I need to find something to do

I'll obviously get a shower but I do have 2 hours, I have like an hour to do whatever so

I sit and ponder what I will do while I lay on my bed now sprawling our scrunching the big fur blanket closer I never was good at coming up with shit to do in such silence

I'll smoke a cigarette on the porch a stoge always hits in the morning I might as well just get ready and go in early because there is absolutely nothing else I can do I mean really like I have books and color pads and my phone all these things and still nothing to actually do

letting out a long breath I sit up from my sprawled position I go to my small walk in closet on the furthest right corner of my room moving a bag aside and open one of my small dressers against the wall getting a small black shredded shirt and a pair of leather slacks that are kind of like jeans but shredded and leather like

I grab matching black undergarments along with socks and my boots leaving the jacket I picked hanging it's red and black kind of racer vibes

I walk towards my bathroom setting my stuff down on the counter top as I turn on the hot water of the shower and crack the door  stripping out of my semi dirty cloths looking at myself in the mirror I just glance and then grab a towel and head towards the shower jumping into the hot steaming water

I set my head against the cold tiles as I let the stress leave my muscles slowly After sitting for a minute one image pops in my mind, those blue eyes, his lean figure, I slowly drift away in thought slowly moving my hand to where I need it most I slowly circle my clit moaning low at the already building pressure in my stomach
"Ohhh Fu-" I slowly push a finger his grasp on my wrist the way he could just look at me and I could tell who knew what I was thinking and me him too before continuing to massage my clit the images of his lean figure the way he moved I can feel my core tighten around my fingers as I add another digit feeling myself shudder against the shower wall "ooh god" I snap my eyes open realize that I totally just fucked myself just at the thought of the blue eyed hunk that I don't evens knows name "fuck" I say to myself frustrated I let my thoughts get the better of me I clean myself up scrubbing my body hard the starberry vanilla soap drift to my nostrils as suds drip from my legs I love the scent I'm pretty sure u have the lotion and perfume I don't know what it is about the vanilla and strawberry scent it just smells so soothing to me

I turn the water off and step out of the shower grabbing my towel drying myself off and Grabbing the blow dryer while I wrap the towel around myself

I dry my dark waist length hair and straighten it making it pin straight pulling a small part on each side back with a Bobby pins my bangs hang mid brow
I get dressed putting in deodorant and spritzing perfume a couple of times then start doing  makeup I finish and spray some setting spray looking over my Smokey eyes and my sharp cheek bones  lightly pronounced my natural lips with a light gloss this is cute I usually don't wear much makeup if any it's light I think I'm pretty naturally my mom never wore much makeup either

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