"Trauma" chap 10

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"It's one of my many talents" he flaunts sarcastically

"Ha ha" I look back down at my feet

Silence falls over us once more

I take the time to listen to the men across the forest

"There's no way you didn't see what I saw"

"I saw it too"

"So did i"

"Hey!" I here Xander quite them all quickly

"Tell me what you saw"

"I-  it's like she's a walking corpse her eyes where totally empty I swear it's like I was trapped from fighting back her eyes totally trapped me and what's even crazier is I could swear her eyes turned a little red and not like the reflection of the light red I mean like scarlet red" the boy I fought muttered out in distress and worry

I stop listening as I growl louder to myself but maybe louder than I thought when practically hundred of bird flying from the trees

This only aggravates me further

I have to leave here this was a mistake I glance up at the guy his head is turned looking up at the trees

While he's distracted I grab my things and run faster than I have before through the forest around the area the alpha and his guys where gathered

I make it back to the parked car and my bike

quickly I put my holster back on knowing that before to long Xander could realize I'd left

I take a knife out of the final holster and I cut holes in three of his tires

That'll slow em down and plus I hate dodges

I slide on my bike as I pull my trench coat around my shoulders and take my gloves from my pocket I start the bike up as it rumbles loudly and catches a few ears


I zoom from where we had arrived and go aimlessly through the street

I don't wish to go home I only wish to escape this place at once and find a bar with a lot of scotch I try to find the scent of such but i am once again basically in the middle of nowhere and the sun is setting

I drive pass cars every once and a while but there isn't many basically just me and the trees

I catch a scent of more wolves as I enter a dark town square and I soon find a small bar still open and I park my bike around the side of the building and get ready for scotch and no doubt they'll find me eventually

So I'll wait I guess

I walk inside catching a few eyes but not as many as any other bar I walk towards the bar seat farthest away from the ugly fat guys at the other side of the bar and sit and wait for the bar tender

The bar tender soon shows up in-front of me and asks me what I'd like to have

"Double Scotch straight"

He nods and makes a chilled glass of scotch and sits in on a napkin and walks away

I finish the drink immediately and realize there is only one bar tender so I reach over the counter and refill my drink while he's tending at the other end

But this time I don't drink it I sit there and stair at it and just get lost in thought a bit as the bell on the door rings again and Xander's beta enters eyeing me

I role my eyes and turn back to my drink I feel his presence just lurking behind me as he sits at the stool right next to mine

"Leave me alone Blake" I gulp down the liquid Before turning to leave the other way He grabs ahold of my arm hard "you never finished answering our questions"

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