"Escape" chap 8

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"Are you mad? Like out of your fucking brain you people don't even know me and today of all shitty fucking days you want to try me!" I growl so deep it feels like the floor is shaking anger fuels my veins at his disrespect

People are ridiculous now days always wanting to start beef with someone they don't even know I guess some alphas don't know how to keep theres pack members in line

As I zone back in I realize most of the people around don't even seem to bother as if it's a regular thing around here for people to get into it you know what i mean

Before everyones eyes who's actually paying attention his bones started cracking and popping as he changed forms hunching down shredding his cloths into a dark grey figure of a wolf with striking green eyes I let out a long sigh he leaped my way anger showing clear through his eyes

Once his wolf is practically right in my face I grip his wolfs chest sending him to the ground with force sending his wolf gliding back into the small crowd will unmatched speed at that

"I'd wipe the floor with you get that through your head man you don't even know me once again leave me the fuck alone NOW" I growl my voice dripping with dominance almost surprising myself in my tone his ear perk back at my tone

even though the mans wolf was far from little he didn't even compare to the strength I now knew I held throughout my body his wolf whimpered once more looking away in defeat I mean maybe in other circumstances if he wasn't just trying to fly through the air towards me he would've had a chance but once again stranger danger 

Everyone froze some even gasping looking at me in shock I'm no alpha but my alpha tone put unknown fear in their hearts some even stepping back slowly walking away to farther parts of the bar, it was forbidden in old and new times for alphas to try ruling over each others lands but I am no alpha but I don't doubt they worry so severely they'll contact their alpha for my audacity this might be perfect actually

I guess this is my new normal from now on people constantly wanting control over things they can't control

Getting weird looks from strange people I don't know and don't care to know I roll my eyes at the way some of their mouths hung to the floor I guess female wolfs around here don't show as much strength plus I thinks 2/4 girls with their jaws to the floor are human

He must be valued in some type of way though for half the people here to even care but I mean I suppose it is kind of rude embarrassing him like that

"God I don't have time for this" I mutter as I turn around and go to the now empty garage And pull out a cigarette lighting it as I move towards the garage door

I step out the side of the garage as my stress believe it or not melts away a little with another drag these people don't understand and they never will they don't know what it like

Clearly I can't get drunk as easy anymore but maybe other things will work with the idea in mind I put out the cigarette and put it behind my ear as I grab a joint out of the side of my empty mag holster and light it up not paying mind if anyone jus walks up just closing my eyes and dissolving where i stand

I take a long drag and blow it out still keeping my eyes closed and my head tilted back the threads of smoke leave my body in euphoria clearly weed is effective still I missed this bliss

I slowly start to smell a very familiar scent as if it's coming closer but I don't move or open my eyes i recognize the scent too well but I just keep leaning against the wall And take another long drag calming myself from my thoughts and slowly opening my eyes to glance at the stars

"Took you long enough Apollyon I was starting to think you wouldn't catch up to me at all" I say sarcastically now looking down to see he stood a couple feet in front of me with a spark of anger lingering in his eyes but something else I couldn't quit place but deep down I knew

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