"Is it?" Chap 4

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I got home later last night I don't know how but he was right, I do have a over average tolerance I woke without much of a headache at all but i don't really pay much attention to be frank

I came straight in and crashed and didn't even get a headache, and believe me I drank enough to have a headache from hell but it's not like I haven't noticed over the years that every time I leave a party or a bar I'm always the most sober  even though I probably drank more than half the people with me

it's the next afternoon and it's like 3 o'clock because yes I over slept that's what you do when you have days off

"Meowww" Salem practically screeches in my face as she prances up my messy bed

"Go away Salem!"

"Meowwwwww" even louder

"Oh my god" all I can do is aggressively stare over at Salem

"What do you wan-

But before I could finish I heard a loud bang from my living room and realize my door was wide open I quickly moved grabbing my gun from my drawer and go straight to my closet and closed the door totally forgetting about Salem and I turn around turning the small light off and locked the door

I heard another distant creak that sounded heavy which meant that I automatically went in defense for another weapon luckily I was a weapon fanatic so I had them stored in several places I don't know why I'm being so secret agent right now I jus actually believe the sound I'm hearing aren't my imagination

I put my eagle in the back of my waist band

And auntie trained me anyways so either way I'll fight hand on hand if I really need to I just hope that there isn't actually some random burglar in my house right now but I'm always prepared for the worst

I went around to the closet and found one of my bags with multiple weapons that I haven't used in ages i disregard them and quietly grab a belt and holsters already filled with a knife pack

I grab my eagle from my waist band load it slipping an extra clip in my bag

Reaching over through my hung cloths I grab my race jacket

quickly i tighten my boots and make my way back to the door hearing a creak

I slowly pull the door open gliding out towards the edge of the door and I gaze out listening to the other room and hear nothing so I pull two of my knifes and hold them in each hand slowly squatting lower as I enter the living room that's connected to the kitchen by a far off doorway

I step up in front of the couch and hear a sound from the kitchen so I immediately move towards the wall that has a open window that connects to the kitchen which happens to be right at the entrance so hopefully whoever the fuck is in my house right now doesn't come in here and I'm jus imagining everything hell maybe even I'm dreaming

I snap myself from my thoughts as I realize that I was now standing in silence I have excellent senses so I use them checking the parts of my house I can see for any changes

All I heard was 2 small sniffs?

Wait what Sniffs? What the hell kind of burglar is trying to eat me I almost laugh to myself hoping that I'll be able to hold myself off if there is really a person here and I'm not just dreaming

"I can smell you human" I hear a deep ruff almost familiar voice exclaims

I don't need some dude sniffing out my ass okay I'm kind of freaking out I haven't fought in a while not that I'm doubting my capabilities of course

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