"A what-" chap 5

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Roughly- "2 hours later"

I don't know how long it's been exactly but it's been awhile sense I heard anything else so I just assume he left but then again I never heard him leave either

I just sat here on this bed holding the chains and pondering

Until I hear two sets of feet carrying somewhere outside the door

maybe they won't come in this room

But I was wrong


As the door swung open I made contact with the blue orbs of Apollyon

Which drives me straight to anger

I jump up and point a accusing finger at him

"Apollyon I swear to the lord if you don't tell me why the fuck your sidekick kidnapped me! I will personally make sure  y'all have a vip section in hell!!!" I yell in pure rage yanking on the chains hard

"You done?" He asks blankly

"Yeh" I let out a long breath and jump back down on the bed slumping my shoulders

"I have some things I need to chat with you about-

Blondie interrupts "or would you like to tell us about  how you can't be compelled and how you survived being thrown across the fucking room! The list goes on!"

"I don't see how the list goes on considering I've barely known you all but five minutes! Plus I have thick skin and don't think I fucking forgot about you chucking me you son of a butch I'll get my get back!" I say in matter of a fact tone looking back to Apollyon

"Oh you smart-

Apollyon interrupts blondie

"Shut up trey go in the other room for god sake! He exclaims rubbing his eyes

All he gets in response is a growl from the man as he slams the door

The trey ya fucking dirt bag I think to myself not expressing it aloud

Silence fills the air making it tense

I break the ice "so he's your fucking sidekick or what?"

All he does is give me a quizzical face glancing at the crater in the wall

"More like a mate or aide" he shrugs my question off

"That's just another word for sidekick but okay, whatever" I put my hands to my face feeling exhausted

"Why do you say that anyways, why would it matter?"

"It's not that hard to notice, you drip off dominance" i shrug

"Good to know you have some brains darling but we aren't here to talk about us we're here to talk about you" he says lifting his hand pointing towards me

I glance at his hand which has a large ring on the pinkie which takes me aback a bit making the shock on my face very noticeable

A Ruby

A fucking ruby!

He gives me a strange look when he realizes what I'm looking at in such a disdain manner

Son of a bitch

Putting it all together now

He's the man that my mother told me to run from

As realization sets in I drop my gaze and go limp


"You know what this means don't you" he says pointing towards the ring out of the corner of my eye

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