"A diffrent kind of thing" chap 6

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"the perks of what!"

"being a vampire of course"

"A what-" I numb

Did he just say vampire id laugh in his face if i wasn't in pure agony right now

That's not possible, stuff like that is not real


I can't help but bust out in laughter whilst still curled in pain laughing like a lunatic

"Hah that's brilliant! Vampire?! Really? do better than that! I've watched enough vampire inclusive movies and shows to know they aren't real! No way!!" I say hysteria taking hold I shake my head

He says nothing

Before he got the chance to make another move another wave of pain crashed down on my whole body making me shudder even more

"Ahh" I drag my hand over my mouth muffling the groans of pain just wanting to disappear

He took a step forward as if coming to comfort but stopped himself short

"You'll believe me soon" then he turned on his heels and leaves out the door slamming it and locking it in the process now leaving me in retching pain once again left alone what's with him what's with this whole fucking week if things don't get better from here I might just snap

"What's that ev- en s-suppose to m-mean" I stutter as I crash against the bed soon consumed by darkness

*12 hours later*

I try to grasp reality as my eyes blink me awake with the raging light through the blinds

I wince silently as I cover my eyes and turn over in bed slowly remembering I wasn't home

Apollyon that bastard

He said things that made no sense and then left me in pain I just don't understand

Some of the worst pain I've ever felt before and I was last alone

I start to move myself up from the bed but slowly lower myself back down due to the deep ache my whole body holds

"-yes but she's still asleep she's got like another 12 hours I don't see why your-"

Then the door jolts open- without a key meaning they must've been in here earlier, did he say 12 hours?- showing blondie now in the doorway with a phone up to his ear pausing awkwardly

"Yeh I take that back boss she's awake" he says almost like a question I look at him and then his phone he must be talking to Apollyon

I glance up at him feeling my eyes strain and soon I see better than I could before like I've been smacked awake

I don't question my now healthy state i don't feel ache or pains anymore just mere
Numbness I just stand keeping steady eye contact mentally thinking of a lot of questions

"Yeh boss I'm going to have to call you back" he says hanging the phone up and putting it in what I assume is his back pocket I can't exactly see around his large figure

He lets out a nasty growl

"Listen here little-

I don't question I just go and let my body do as it pleases because at this point I have to believe and if I am as they now say then I'll just fight my way out there is no other way

They cut my wings off I have no flight just fight and I can use that against him he's only one man. Kinda. I'm digging deep and finding the strength I need and it come easily a bit too easily I'm starting to realize things might be more different than I expected

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