"A story" chap 7

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"What did you say"Apollyon exclaimed grabbing my arms roughly pushing me against the wall with nothing but anger in his eyes

"Oh me and your pops and me go way back" I let out a dry laugh tilting my head back showing no emotion but a seering glare as we stare into each others gaze this just causing him to grasp my throat harder enough to leave marks anger consuming him by the second as me moves closer to me if that's even possible in the circumstance we are practically breathing the same air

"What do you know of him!?" Asking as if I knew things he didn't I only give a quizzical look as if I had no idea what he was talking about I mean how could I his father only punished me it's not like we sat by a cozy fire and shared family history

"Who? "I say slowly drawling it out dodging his father as a subject even though I brought it up I can tell by the look on his face he needs information I don't have I look away feeling him gaze daggers through my skull

I want to care less but it seem we are connected some how I can't tell him thing he doesn't need to know if he cares so much he can find his father and ask him himself

I'm smacked back into reality from my fat wondering thoughts I hadn't even seen him out the corner of my eye move
seething I push myself to slam my hand forward Against Apollyons shoulders causing him to literally fly back into the others wall

"Get away from me" I growl my eyes straining tight i put my hands up again as if to show I'll do the same thing if he try's but this time he stops in his tracks the look of curiosity and worry cross his face

"What did you do?" He huffs his eyes darken with strips of copper strutting my way again more quick this time still holding my eyes with his even though he's clearly not happy

"What do you mean what did I do..you're the only one who's been doing any wrong as if late!" I show my chafed wrist Anger seethes through my veins once more at his words

"I mean you- you- fucking change me into this thing or change me back what the fuck ever all this is crazy my life has been normal for the most part! I have nothing to tell you about your father I didn't know him on the level you did and whatever it is you want to know I know I don't know it so please just stop this I don't want to rip you apart so please don't make me I can hardly control my thoughts let alone my actions when I'm mad!" I will my humanity to speak for me willing him to stop this to let me go let me walk out of here without any other threats I don't want to have to turn every corner and have to fight my way through life it's not a way to live

"But you did know him that more than I could ever say! I just want to know why! I shouldn't have gone about things this way I see that now just please tell me or I'll see for myself"he silences me with his first words it hit deep because I myself never really new my father sympathy rushes my face he glares at that and I glare back

"You're not getting inside my head Apollyon and like I said there's nothing to TELL!"i shakes my head stressed out from yelling back and forth

I close my eyes for a second pinching the bridge between my eyes letting out a big sigh I go to speak again but the light breeze and cold presence in front of my stops me I open my eyes to meet his scarlet filled blue ones I let out a gasp at the speed he has to make it to me so quick

"No-" I reach my hand up swiftly knocking his hands from my shoulders pushing him back he stumbles to the wall

"I still care about you even if we haven't know each other long you have to understand that- I-" he stops mid sentence and starts sniffing the air my eyebrows couldn't be any farther in space

"I don't care we don't even know each other why- why in the world are you sniffing the fucking air?" I feel like my ears are steaming from how angry I feel deep down I don't know why but I can smell trouble

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