"Trouble" chap 9

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We continued to walk until we came across a black dodge hid in plain sight about a block from the bar

"I need to make a detour" I say lifting my hand in protest before backing away

"No we hav-

"I need my bike"

"Why wo-

"First of all shut the fuck up because I need not give you a reason I just know I'm not sitting in a that car to suffer the whole ride with you two insufferable wolves at the moment especially to a place I don't know " I avoid sticking my hand up

"You don't even know how long the ride is?"

"It doesn't matter if it's right around the fucking corner, 3 hours from here or 5 days from here I said I'm not riding with you so I'm not do you think I'd volunteer to go then not go? I'm a dick not a douchbag there a difference"

"Is there now" Blake mumbles

"You'd know" he gives me a sour look like he has something to say but then just turns around and gets in the passenger seat

"I'll be back just wait here" I tell Xander knowing he can here my truth and I turn and walk back towards the direction of the garage

Halfway through the walk back I realize I could've just ran but might as well take time so I take the cigarette that is luckily still behind my ear and I light it and keep walking

Moments later I stood In front of 7 drunk men smoking and drinking and talking about stupid shit and one guy with a hat over his face leaning in the corner up on a stool

"I'm gonna need that bike now man"I give a exhausted huff scratching my neck when I push two guys off the couch to make room to sit
They're both way to fucked up to even know what's going on so they just get up and walk to the bar

I take another long drag from my cigarette before I flick it

"It's might not be as good as it would if you would have waited but it's good enough to suit your liking" z says standing from where he's sitting around the coffee table

"Just go get the bike Z please" I say rather bluntly pleading that he hurry

I role my eyes and drop my head back until he leaves

"Anybody gotta a blunt to spare a loan traveler in need of a distraction" i smirk glancing around knowing one of these dudes has got to have weed I can practically smell it from here

There where 5 men still in the garage with me but none said anything until the funny looking drunk from the corner lifts his hat the man I assume is drunk anyways I can smell Liquor on him unless he merely drank or for the hell of it like me in which I could understand

"Not to be a stranger but I could help you out no pay needed considering what I've been hearing"he says sounding quit like a pirate with his accent I almost laugh not even registering his words merely nodding

Oh god no Don't even get me started on the lusty things my mind are coming up with just hearing this man's voice there is something about him it's like I can feel the heat radiating from his body his scent filled with urb and rustic scents making my mind scramble for a second

the charming random yet handsome man  stands up from his stool and saunters closer his stride like a panther no fear riddles this man's body he was a beast deep down I could sense it my eyes rake up his body to the top of his head of short dark brown toused curls slowly sitting down in the open space beside me giving me way to much of a sniff he glances back in my eyes making my heart palpitate for a moment it almost felt like time paused as I took in his caramel eyes

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