10. Chasing Dreams*

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**Pictures curtesy of Lisa AI descriptive generation, Pictured above is Dracius**

Why does everything feel.. Wrong. Sarah sat back watching the sky cloud over in ash and soot. The fires in the distant cascading shadows around. She sat on a hill, the only clear opening from this wasteland. The only getaway she has from the foul creatures below. She sighed as she looked around again. Is this what my life is meant to be? As she zoned out in her thoughts a presence sat next to her silently. He looked down at her sullen expression then back to his kingdom. "Is it not to your liking?" His voice deep and concerning. She sighed again staring off in the distance. "Why is it so dark here?" She whispered as she hugged her knees to her chest.

Dracius hesitated. Is it really that bad? His red eyes tracing around the kingdom he had always known. "It's always been this way. For as long as I can remember. We are surrounded by the harsh elements of the world. Only few creatures can handle it here." He took a breath and held it. "Im used to it so it never bothered me." He released his breath before looking back at Sarah. She just held her knees tighter as she softly said, oh.

Dracius internally cursed himself. What good is this if she is just going to continue to sulk. Dracius clenched his fist in anger before the oracle whispered in his head. In order to gain her power you must win her over. You only have three days before the spell wares off and she wakes up. You must win her heart in order to win her power. Dracius groaned as he imagined burning that damn oracle to ash. Not once did she mention a deadline until now. Three days? How.. He stood up as he held his calloused hand to her. His tattoos wrapping his arm up to his shoulder. His slitted pupils staring down at her. "How bout we change scenery?" Sarah looked up and past Dracius, seeing the little ball of light in the distant again before it vanished. She still has not been able to reach it.

She took his hand hesitantly before standing up. "What else is there to see? Everything seems the same." Dracius held her hands before his wings erupted from his shoulders. Sarahs eyes widened as she watched scales appear before her. "You're a .. Dragon?" She exclaimed in shock as he smirk at her. "Only partially." He chuckled before flying into the air carrying her over the smoke and ash. "Where are we going?" She asked as she held onto him. Dracius smiled softly before exclaiming, "Somewhere new."

Shortly they landed in an opening that had what looked to be a pond. As she walked up to the water she gazed at her reflection. Seeing her as she is but a light forming around her. "What is this place?" She looked back at Dracius as he stepped up next to her. "This is reflection lake. It shows you you're upmost desires. If there is nothing you desire it just shows you as you are." He looked down at the water seeing himself however not as himself. His tattoos are gone. His eyes are a soft blue with round pupils instead of slits. "So what is it that you desire most Dracius?" Sarah inquired as she tried to see his reflection but only saw ripples as he broke the water. Startled she jumped back and looked back at Dracius. Sadness tracing his face briefly before his usual smirk irked his face. "Why? Looking to satisfy my deepest desires?" He winked as Sarah turned away her cheeks flushing pink. "Th.. That's not what I meant." She stuttered before looking back at the pond. "It is beautiful here. Why did you bring me here?"

Dracius stared at her curiously and back at the water. "It seemed like something you would enjoy. Water is the opposite of fire so I thought it'd be a nice change of scenery."

Sighing again she relaxed feeling a little content. This is nice. But why do I feel off still? Like Im missing something..

Sarah gazed back at the water, watching the trees reflect in the water. So calm and peaceful. Dracius watched her as she relaxed, staring at the water with a small smile. How can something so simple make you smile. He continued to watch her before approaching her suddenly. Grabbing a hold of her and pulling her close to his chest. Sarah's breath caught in her throat as she felt Dracius pressed against her. Her heart beat accelerating as she looked away blushing.

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