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it became dark but best friends were still walking around the city. the moon was so beautiful that day. joshua suggested to go inside a cafeteria which location was really near, han agreed.

when they came inside, shua noticed jun and minghao sitting in the corner of the cafe, it looked pretty much like they were on a date but jeonghan was too blind to see and interrupted them.

"hi guys! how have you been? what are you doing here? may me and joshuji sit with you?" too many questions jeonghan.

"oh hey jeonghan! we're having uh- sure!" jun tried to keep up with what han was saying.

"jeonghannie i don't think we should interrupt them, let's sit somewhere else" jisoo understood that his friends might feel uncomfortable with them taking their time which they probably want to spend just together. for a response jeonghan muttered a "sure" and walked to the other table. meanwhile minghao mouthed a thank you and sent a smile to joshua.

jeonghan sat in the other corner, he was pretty confused why joshua told him to sit somewhere else. meanwhile joshua came up to him and asked what does han want to order.

"strawberry ice cream!"

"you're going to get sick jeonghan-ah, it's not that hot outside to each such cold thing"

"i'm not, i swear!"

"ugh sure"

jisoo walked up to the line of customers. then someone suddenly bumped into him saying quiet "move, fag" with madness in his voice. joshua's mood suddenly changed, no one has ever called him that word and why would he even? which normal person uses those slurs on random people they don't know? then it became his turn to order, he order a strawberry ice cream in a vanilla cone and some jasmin tea for jeonghan and matcha tea with a piece of cheesecake for himself. he returned to the table. jeonghan seemed a little bit concerned about why that guy bumped into joshua and what did he say, it changed shua's happy expression into a sad one. but he decided not to bother joshua and act like nothing happened. after waiting couple of minutes the waiter came up to the table with their orders and said "enjoy your meal", they replied with a quiet "thank you". as said, both enjoyed their meal. jeonghan's breath smelled now like a strawberry ice cream and joshua's like mint 'cause he just put a gum in his mouth. after finishing, best friends decided to leave. joshua walked jeonghan home and went to his on his own.

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