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joshua did threw up some petals. why? he did it himself, his overthinking self. the petals turned bloody now, does that mean something bad? he didn't understand. why would they? he sat on the bathroom floor and took a look on his phone, there was a message from minghao left.

> hey! do you want to hang out with me and jun? we thought of going to the new gallery they opened a week ago, i'm really excited for the exhibitions!

maybe it will help me stop overthinking?

i'm down! <

he got up and tried to just stop thinking about the disease. joshua picked some appropriate clothes for a gallery.


after dressing up, he took his bag and went outside. friends texted eachother for a while, they decided to meet in front of jun's house so he went straight to the point of meeting.

i'm waiting outside <

hao got out of the house and tsked under his nose with a cute smirk then looked away and took a glance at joshua. he waved at him.

"so.. we're going to the gallery?"

"yes we are!" jun screamed happily walking out.

"good thing you dressed well, i wouldn't let you go with us if you wore tracksuit." minghao commented and lightly hit joshua's shoulder.

"of course i did! do you think i have never been to a gallery?"

"oh come on! no one said i do."

joshua was wearing a white sweater with dark blue pants. minghao dressed properly as always, a black button up shirt with golden patterns, black pants and sunglasses at the top of his head. jun instead wore a white t-shirt with a colorful shirt on it and black jeans. three pretty best friends.

they were peacefully walking when hoshi and dokyeom came up to them.

"hello guys! what are you doing here?" dk asked.

"um, going to a gallery. what about you?"

"we're going to have a picnic by the lake. that's why we have all this stuff" soonyoung pointed at a blanket and a basket in seokmin's hands. "we saw woozi and mingyu earlier. it's kind of suspicious that we meet all you guys today!"

"hao, shua, we're going to be late!" jun said while looking at his phone. he wasn't listening to what hoshi was saying.

"oh, then we have to go. sorry hoshi!"

"no problem, have a nice day!"

"you too!"

and their paths parted.

"eyy, you didn't have to sound mean like that. soonyoung looked so excited to see us."

"not my fault i'm so excited for the exhibition!"

"mhm, sure" minghao commented at what junhui said.


the exhibition was so beautiful! those paintings looked like real pictures, it's amazing how painters do works like that. while looking at them joshua didn't do anything but think about jeonghan. they all reminded him of han. he wanted to tell his friends about it but was to scared to do so.

best friends decided to chill out after it and go to a bbq restaurant. the atmosphere was so nice inside. those drunk clients weren't tipsy as always. that day was going pretty cool.

after eating minghao suggested on going to another park. jisoo loves walks around the nature so he agreed automatically. they we're sitting on a bench talking about life.

jun and minghao even told joshua about them being together. he was so proud and excited for them.

they were spending good time together then joshua's phone suddenly rang. it was jeonghan.

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