Highschool Old Chapter #2

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Raven's P.O.V

The teacher ended up letting Ellie and I sit together which was #amazing! We kind of whisper talked the entire period about stupid stuff.

I was a bit worried cuz what if we need to be paying attention to the lesson. And then tomorrow we get a pop quiz! I would be so #unprepared for that.

But Ellie just reassured me that this class was basically a free period before lunch. She said all we get are packets and only get tested once a month. When I asked why that was Ellie said the teacher (and most here apparently) were #lazy.

I could relate, but I'm not so sure when it comes to my #edumacation. But Ellie said it was fine and as a novice high schooler I decided to BELIEVE!

"Let's go." Ellie gestured for me to follow her. The bell rings at this were hella piercing. Like a robot banshee just stubbed its toe! Well I guess if they're a robot they couldn't feel the mind numbing pain that is too stubbing..... but still!!

It was real real loud. And real real shrill. And it made my poor ears hurt real real bad. "Dont you think they should change that bell? #loudfornoreason"

"Eh. You get used to it. They keep saying they gone change it but they never do. Always lying and shit."

I nod because I want Ellie to know I'm listening to her. On all the 'How To Make Friends in Highschool' articles I read a lot of them said to be a good listener. Also there was a lot of #beyourself stuff in there. Which is why I felt comfortable just letting it all hang out.

I have been told I'm the minority when it comes to the way I dress, and talk, and energy wise. Also sex wise. I'm a lesbian. And a virgin. Which is like horrible. I wanna lose it and become a sex person.

But first I have to turn 18. Fortunately I become an official #adult in a month! Hopefully I make a lot of friends so that I can invite them to my Birthday Extravaganza!!

Its gonna be great. There's gonna be alcohol. But don't tell my parents. Also I should probably make friends before I plan a hug party. So much to do. #stressedbutblessed.

Ellie leads me into the cafeteria and my mind is blown!! Look at all the people. "OMG. Look at everyone! Its nothing like I imagined. But I #LOVEIT!!!!!"

"Wow you've really never been to Highschool before." I shake my nod enthusiastically. "No not at all. Not even regular school. I've been #homeschooled since forever!"

"Well welcome to Highschool. Let's hope u have a good time." We walk over to a table and sit down.

"Hey Ellie! Who's this?" A light skin girl with a SPECTACULAR lace front. Couldn't even see the lace! #lacewhere?!?

"Hi I'm Raven! Im new here! New to school really. Your wig is #fantastique!! Who installed it???"
The girl the Debby Ryan finger behind ear thing smiling. "Oh yk I did this myself. I'm Gigi btw. Why hashtag?"

"Just go with it. It's her thing." I nod energetically before sitting down and taking out my pack lunch. Ellie sits down next to me also taking out a pack lunch. Hey we both packed. Kewl!!

"So Ellie said there was gonna be a crew thing? Is it just us? I mean yall, I dont know if I'm #welcome yet."
"No your totally welcome. 2 is company and 3s a crowd and we definitely need a crowd. Hanging out with the charcoal looking bitch is exhausting!!"

Gigi then fake faints. Hella dramatic. I live for it! I laugh a little when Ellie straight up kicks her under the table. "Nobody asked for the unmelanized opinion."

"You guys seem cool."
"Obviously!" I can't believe it! I just made two friends. This is awesome sauce!! I have to keep my cool though. Can't be a #stage5clinger just yet.

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