Highschool Old Chapters #4

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Raven's P.O.V

"Would you like to talk about it Rav?" Mom saw how down I was when I walked in. I just sigh. "No. I'm #overit." I drag myself into my room and close the door.

I really hated today. Why was Wynter so mean to me. It's not like I did shit to her. I didn't even fuck her really really reallly hot girlfriend. But you know what? I am gonna fuck her now. #Petty.

But for now I'm just gonna sulk in my room until I feel better. I take off all my clothes until I'm jude and cuddle up under my covers until I'm in a nice blanket cocoon.

As I'm sulking I hear my phone ring in my backpack."Uggggggggggggggh!" I debate whether or not I should answer. Its probably just some family member I dont talk to calling to "check in". #lemmealoneal!

I let it ring until it goes to voicemail. Finally they can leave me alone... I want to sulk in private please. #pleaseandthankyou!

When my phone starts ringing again I decide I should probably answer it. I slink outta bed and look through Wheely until I find my phone. Oh it was Ellie. She was tryna facetime!

I immediately answer and see both Ellie and Gigi looking very #worried. "Hey Raven. How ya feeling?"
"Yeah Raven! Ellie and I were fucking worried! Listen if we have to maim Wynter I'm all for it. Yk I have a gu-"

Ellie smacks the ever loving shit outta the backside of Gigi's head. "You always so fucking violent. But yeah Rae if u need us to help u fight Wynter we uh... we will."

I laugh. My friends were such ride or dies! Gigi more than Ellie but hey some people dont want fight. Like me. Never been in one except for family. Which the internet tells me isn't real.

Apparently it's a #fakefight! But who knows. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I have decided I'll just fuck Symir." I say nodding my head agreeing with myself.

"Your gonna W H A T!" Gigi and Ellie say at the same time. I just shrug nonchalantly. "Well that's what I'm assuming Wynter is mad about. So why not give her her reason?"

"Hey I'm all for it. I really didnt wanna fight." Ellie looks relieved. "Man I wanted to smack that hoe!" Gigi justs pouts but smiles when she sees me smile.

"Tomorrow let's take pictures. I wanna show the world my #Bestfriends!!"

"I'm down!"

The girls and I start planning what we gonna wear tomorrow so we can have a #photoshoot!!! We decided to do the powerpuff girls!! I'm gonna be Bubbles.

Ellie's gonna be Blossom cuz shes the level headed leader that keeps us all in line. Gigi of course is Buttercup. Shes very hotheaded. I really like it.

Talking to the girls has made my day soooooo much better. Stupid Wynter and her jealousy. Ruining my day. I can't let that happen. Momma always said to never let anyone control ya emotions.

And I let Wynter do that. I know that she didnt mean all those words she said to me. She was just being a #meany. I can't let her get to me no more. Maybe I should talk to Mom about it.

I put on a slip dress and make my way downstairs. "She was all sad! I've never seen her that sad in my life. That place is killing my baby!"

"Calm down Evelyn. We can just- Hey babygirl. How ya feeling?" I smile softly at my parents. "I'm feeling okay." Mom rushes up to me and gives the most bone crushing hug in existence. "Mom let go..Your are #crushing me."

"Evelyn your gonna kill her. Please let go." Mom let's go and starts petting my face. Cooing over me like I'm some baby. "Mom please."

"Just tell us what happened." I sit down on the loveseat and my parents sit across from me. Dad holds Mom's hand rubbing circles into her palm.

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