Quinn and Kel (Part 4)

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Hello Lovelies! Here is your content warning! 

⚠️This one shot has very intense and aggressive sex happening between our two main characters. Please read at your own risk!!!

Also thank you to missmuffyy allidoisreadsmut and IReallyLoveFoodDawgg for their help with inspiring this oneshot! Your freakiness is appreciated!

Kel's P.O.V
"I don't give a fuck what you think." "You really gone keep this up, Kel?" I rolled my eyes at Quinn because she was really blowing me right now. I literally just told her I don't give a fuck.

"Kel." She can keep talking. I am not answering her. "Kel, you really pissing me off right now. I told you already that I don't like you hanging out with her. And you still going on to see that crazy bitch!"

"Okay, so what we aren't going to do is talk bad about her when she is not even here to defend herself. Also fuck you! How bout that?"I say as I walk out the closet fuming. How dare she?! Like what gives Quinn the right to drag me into our broom closet at work so she can fuss at me for the company I keep?

Like what the fuck. Daeja is not crazy. Nor is she a bitch. "Kel get your ass back here! I'm not done talking to you!" Quinn's voice is strained, she's obviously angry but I do not care. "Well I'm done listening!!" I yell back as I return to work. Wasted one of my fifteen minute breaks for nothing.

Times like this, when we argued, I hated living with her. Without fail, she will come home angry as all hell. Wanting to pick a fight with me. Talking about some, 'I'm not gonna let this go', 'We can't go to bed angry', and my favorite excuse she has made is the 'I don't want no resentment.'

Like just tell me you wanna bring the argument into our home and ruin all the love we have in here. That's fine. I'd rather her say that than try to act holier than thou.

I go through the rest of my day avoiding Quinn like the plague. Reminds me of old times, but not in a good way. I was angry with her. She doesn't like that my close homegirl Daeja moved back to town and now we hanging out more.

We be outside, we go to lunch, parties, all types of shit. Catching up really, Daeja is the closest thing I got to a best friend. And she's finally back home so of course I wanna kick it with her! Sure, she's wild as hell, always getting into something, but I'm the same way.

I mellowed out a bit when she left, and even more when Quinn and I got together but I'm still that wild bitch at heart.

Instead of going home after work I head straight to Daeja's place. Before I can even knock on her door she opens it, in nothing but her bra and panties, welcoming me in. I go straight to her bedroom, getting comfortable on her bed..

"Trouble in paradise Kelly?" I look up to see her holding a bottle and a couple glasses. "I aint drinking. I gotta go home later." She shrugs and lays down next to me, setting the bottle on her dresser. "We can do this without drinking."

"She started arguing with me again bout you at work. Work!! Like bro, I don't want to have to argue with you while I'm on the clock. She called you a crazy bitch, that's when I left cuz obviously she was on one, and I don't have time for that."

I scowl as I stare at the ceiling. This was all so irritating. "Crazy bitch huh? Tsk, tsk, tsk. She is on one." "EXACTLY! And then I just know she's gonna wanna argue at home. I don't want to bring that shit to my home!" Daeja rubs my arm, offering me comfort. "So where do you guys argue?" I look at her incredulously. The fuck? "What are you talking about Dae?"

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