I shall be...

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Vith language - italicized

Evangeline's P.O.V
I sigh as I look out the window, the sky giving me little to no comfort. This carriage ride to this kingdom is taking longer than originally thought.

Mother and I were off to observe Prince Karter the III's Birthday celebration. Why? I haven't the faintest idea why. Certainly not for marriage purposes for I have resigned myself to marry a Princess.

Not a Prince. This of course is information that my dearest Mother knows to be true. I have never fancied men in the slightest and women just make the tingles go straight to Lady V (my vagina).

But thats neither here nor there. I detest Mother for doing this to me! How could she make me mingle with a prince I care not for. You see Prince Karter has come up into the elite quite recently.

He is quite known for his pillaging of some small kingdoms. He has led his army to war six times and has returned victorious in the past four years.

He is cruel, self centered, and quite the egoist! I have heard nothing but horrible things about this man. This prince will cause nothing but trouble for me and my small kingdom.

I could not believe it when Mother told me we would be visiting his kingdom for his 23rd birthday. Had she not heard the incredulous things this man has done?! I worry my mother has gone in the head because of this decision.

"Must we go Mother? Tis not too late to turn around." Mother looks up at me from her book before setting it in her lap. "We will be attending this celebration Daughter, that is the end of it."

"Mother he is a tyrant! You do understand we are walking straight into the mouth of a lion!" Mother's eyes furrowed and her lips pursed together. This is how I knew I must have talked too much.

"You speak as you please with your mother?! Am I one of your maids or cousins? A friend perhaps?" I look down, "No Mother..."

"Then you'll do good to not speak to me in such a manner. You may be 22, but you are still under my jurisdiction until you marry."  "Mother you musn't think me able to marry a tyrant?"

I give Mother my best pleading face, trying to implore her to please reconsider. "You will marry who I see fit, and at this moment it is the Prince of Zimwe."

I gasp! She had never admitted such a thing outright before!

"But Mother I wish to marry a princess not a prince!" Then my dear Mother explodes."You and this frivilous thought of marrying princesses! I will hear no more of it!"

"But Mother-" "NO MORE!" Her voice was shrill, it seemed to shake the whole carriage with it's vabrato. We sat in silence, the air thick as my mother's wide hips. "Father would have let me marry a princess..."


Mother and I did not talk to one another for the remainder of the carriage ride. We sat in silence thinking of father.

Father was a wondrous king. He was kind and understanding. He ruled with fairness in his heart. Yet he was firm and quite determined, when he set his mind to something that would be the last of it.

He ruled from when he was just sixteen years to when he took his last breath. Unfortunately Father only lived to be 33. A sudden illness from combat struck his heart and he was taken from us.

Before he died, I had gathered Father, Mother, and the Council and declared to them that I shall marry a princess as my distant cousin Lig'ia had done.

Mother fainted, but Father took my face into his warm hands and kissed my nose. Something he did often when I was a child.

It was then put into the works that I should marry a princess. The decree was not finished in time before Father's death, so it could not be signed by him.

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