The Closing Note

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I did it! I finished my most angst filled story in the series. Can you guys hear my screams? Please imagine it. Although we still have the mother of angst ahead (Buckle up for Kai and Suho), but God... I really really thought that I won't be able to complete Lay's story. It had so many emotions and feelings and I just... My mind was on a constant overdrive when I started writing it again.

I had almost given up, but I thank heavens that I got enough courage to deliver this story to you.

Fei, my love... I wanted to show you guys how she was a badass in other stories but a human in hers. Sometimes strongest people have the heaviest baggage. And, Yixing... He was such a sweet character to write. I loved writing the friendship between Fei and the people she met on her journey. I loved how she opened up to her friends. How she started loving and living. I feel like I can talk about this story forever, but I won't bore you anymore.

Though I'll tell a bit information about how I originally thought of ending it. Fei and Yixing didn't get a happy ending originally and Fei... kind of ended up diagnosed with cancer and you know... But, I changed it because there's always a hope in life. And, not everything ends badly. Sometimes you need to wait. Yixing did. Fei did. And they got their happy ending. Pheww.

I'll see you in Kai's story. Please give it a lot of love. Then of course, my dearest Suho and his nemesis. Wait for it. Thank youu...

Signing off,

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