Chapter 1

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And there he was, stood frozen in fear staring at me, his eyes begging me to not end his life. I tilted my head slightly and gave him a devilish smirk. I raised my right arm, pointing the gun directly in line with his forehead. My eyes were cold and black, showing no emotion at all as I pulled the trigger. The man let out a gut wrenching scream before his now lifeless body crashed to the rough concrete of the alleyway's floor.

His name was Damien Townsend. An abomination of a human. A disgrace to society. A 40 year old piece of garbage who liked to kidnap young children; all of them being under 13. This man deserved to die. He had a hit out on him and I collected it, bringing justice to the families of the missing children. This is why I love my job. Having the opportunity to bring people closure.

I messaged two of my closest friends in the Underworld. Emiliano and Andres. Both of them have been with me throughout my childhood and I know that I can rely on them for anything.

ME - Hey guys, I have another one...

ANDRES🔥🔪- I somehow knew that we'd be getting this message today

EMILIANO🧸- ha, me too. What did this scumbag do then?

ME - Another child snatcher. Man it felt good to off him. It's the perfect ending to my day if you ask me.

ANDRES🔥🔪- So where's the body then?

ME - Led in the middle of an alleyway.

EMILIANO🧸- Drop us the pin and we'll be on our way.

A lot of the time, I call these two to dispose of the bodies for me. They don't mind at all. It's probably satisfying to them, dumping dead people in the ocean. That's where most of them are thrown. Plus they are used to it now. When they take down a hit, they ocean dump them too.

When the discarding was done, we all headed back to the mansion.

I made my way into the house where I was greeted by my father Alejandro with his mistress Claire by his side. I don't like her much. She is snobby and is most definitely with him just because of his money. Plus she's almost my age which is wrong in so many ways. She tries to act like a mother but being only 5 years older than me, it's embarrassing.

"I take it that you got the thug?" My father questioned.

"Do I even need to answer that?" I replied with a smirk.

He smiled back, already knowing the answer. He turned to the two boys.

"And I take it that you got rid of him without being seen?" He asked them.

"Yes sir, of course." Andres said.

Emiliano nodded his head in agreement.

"Good work everyone." Alejandro looked pleased at all three of us.

We all smiled back at him.

"Oh and nice to see you too Claire!" I fake smiled.

She didn't greet us when we came in like my father did. Yeah, she doesn't like me very much. The feeling's mutual.

I said thank you to the guys for helping me tonight and then headed upstairs to my room.

When I arrived, the first thing I did was take a shower. This is a must after every job I do. Just in case I do somehow get blood on me, which hardly ever happens, I like to rinse off. Be clean and fresh for the next one. Plus I had college tomorrow and couldn't be bothered to shower when I woke up. I am not a morning person at all.

Once clean, I got into my comfy shorts and t-shirt pyjamas. I applied some moisturiser and got under the covers, falling into a deep slumber.

Morning came around quicker than I had expected much to my dismay. I begrudgingly forced myself to get out of bed, not before I had a staring competition with the wall in front of me though. I was in one of those trances, you know when you fall into a good stare that you don't want to move your eyes. Well, I hope I'm not the only one that does that.

I made my way to the closet and picked out a black oversized graphic Guns 'n' Roses tee and some mom jeans with small rips in them. I paired this with my worn out black vans. This was basically my style. If anyone told me to change what I am wearing, I'd 100% punch them in the face. Believe me when I say that I have done this to Emiliano before. He told me to not wear an oversized Queen tee because he doesn't like the band. How can someone not like Queen? They're only like the biggest rock band of all time. I mentally rolled my eyes remembering this like it was yesterday. Oh, wait, it was and he had a black eye to prove it.

Andres called me from downstairs, telling me that he'd be driving me to college today like he did most mornings anyway. Him and Emiliano were both 20 so they don't go with me. A lot of the time I protest, saying that I am able to drive myself there, but they always say no because someone might recognise my car considering I use it for all of my hits. I suppose they are right though.

I came down the stairs and walked to the kitchen that was at the opposite side of the mansion. Here I was met with some of my dad's associates. I quickly grabbed an apple and said hello to the guys before going to the foyer to meet Andres.

"Nirvana, good choice."

"Why thank you, kind sir." I smiled.

"I didn't think that you'd be happy going back to college after you've been bunking off for a month without your dad knowing."

"Oh, shut up" I rolled my eyes.

The car ride was only 15 minutes long. Not long enough if you ask me. I hate going to college. But I have to. I have to keep pretending to be a normal student and blend in. I do pretend to be normal but I don't blend in at all. I am pretty and I admit that. Everyone seems to want to talk to me and be my friend but I tend to ignore them. I choose to stay by myself most of the time. Well I stay with my only friend, Hayley, at college too. She knows nothing about who I really am and she doesn't ask questions which is the only reason I let her become friends with me in the first place.

I opened the glass doors to the front of the building, seeing the sea full of people loitering in the corridor. I walked down it towards my first class, shoving past students who wouldn't move as I did. I enter room M5, a math room. I head to my usual seat on the back row next to the window and stared outside. It was quiet for about two minutes before a shadow loomed over me. I looked up to see an unknown person. I had never seen him before. He was tall, at least 6ft3, he had jet black messy hair and actually really good style. I'm impressed, not many guys know how to dress properly. I lifted my gaze to him.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"You're in my seat." He said blandly.

"No I am not. And who are you?"

"Yes you are. And who are you?" He said with more anger this time.

"I asked first."

There was silence.

"If you don't want to answer then leave, no one is stopping you. There are plenty more seats in this room." I said coldly.

With that he stared at me and then walked away.

I have been off for a month and now that I've come back, there is a rude new student and he doesn't seem very friendly. Oh well. I guess I am not friendly to people either so who am I to complain. Let him do what he wants.


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