Chapter 4

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'shawty had them apple bottom jeans (jeans), boots with the-'

I reached over to stop the alarm on my phone and groaned as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I got up and started my morning routine. Shower, teeth, hair, minimal makeup and then breakfast. Today I decided to have the left over pizza from dinner last night. Cold pizza the next day is better than hot pizza when it's fresh. No one can tell me differently.

Andres was already waiting as I stepped into his matte black Ferrari 812 SF. Once again he had classic rock playing through the speakers. Eye of The Tiger to be exact. Soon enough we arrived at college.

I stepped out of the car and walked straight to the front doors of the building. Through my peripheral vision, I could see Hayley talking with a bunch of the girls she sat with yesterday. I looked over to her and smiled. She returned a bigger grin.

Making my way through the charade of students, I began walking to Physics because the bell had just rang. I walked into room P8 and made my way to my usual seat. The right side of the classroom, second to last row. A few minutes later, in walks Aries and his group of friends. I must have missed a lot because since when have these guys been in my class? And just to my luck, they head straight to the row behind me. Great.

The lesson seemed to be going smoothly until I overheard a conversation coming from behind me. I am a nosy person and I was also bored out of my mind, so I ultimately listened in.

"Yeah, I never expected that to happen either." Said Nathaniel, the brown haired one, whose name I learnt when the teacher was checking who was present.

"Never once did I expect anything like that to occur around us." Hayden added. I also learnt his name the same way.

"Well it did and now we have to explain it to the rest of the family" Aries told them.

"We technically don't have to tell anyone, after all you are the boss." The scary one, Lewis, adds.

Boss huh? Interesting.

"I suppose, but you guys better keep your mouths shut. No one needs to know that our job was hijacked by some chick." Aries said sternly.

"She was not just some chick A, she was the girl with the pink balaclava whose name is unknown to us. In fact I think that no one actually knows her name except from her family." The blonde retorted.

OH. MY. GOD. Act natural. Pretend that you didn't just tense after hearing that.

My heart dropped knowing that the four guys who beat up Kaleb were now sitting behind me perfectly disguised as students. Although I did the same, I can't believe that there are other people like me in my college, let alone in my classroom. I guess I need to be very careful now not to blow my cover because I'm pretty sure that they'd be able to tell straight away that I wasn't who I am pretending to be.

I debated on whether or not I should interrupt them and tell them that they are speaking quite loud. I decided against it because I didn't want to have any attention being brought towards me.

After 3 more classes, lunch arrived and I made my way to the dining hall. I sit at an empty table towards the back of the room. Not many people like sitting around this area hence the open table. I don't know why though; it's nice and quiet. I pulled out my phone and started eating the cheese panini I had just bought.

Next thing I know, I am being pushed over to the next seat and someone is getting into my previous one. Another 3 joining sitting opposite me. It was them. Nathaniel, Hayden, Lewis and Aries.

"I was happy eating by myself thanks, so you can go now." I started.

"No can do, miss..." Hayden indicated that he wants my name.

"Alicia. And why can't you leave?"

"Because we noticed something today." Nathaniel added.

"Okay and what would that be?"

"You overheard our conversation didn't you?" Aries, who is sitting in front of me, asks frustrated.

"Excuse you! I did not eavesdrop"

"But you did Ally, wanna know how I know?" He continues.

"Do not call me Ally." I spat out.

"I noticed that you started to tense indicating that you were listening. Or do you randomly tense up now and again?"

"None of those reasons. Did you not think that talking about some creepy, secretive stuff right behind me, would not cause me to tense." Is how I responded.

"She has a point." Lewis finally piped up.

I rolled my eyes. Obviously I had a point. If I had more time to answer, I would've come up with a more reasonable explanation.

"Tell anyone what you heard and there will be severe consequences. Understand?" Aries shot out in a harsh tone.

"Yes boss" I smiled at him innocently.

He just glared at me as he got up and left. His posse following behind. Ok, now he definitely knows that I overheard him. Why not have some fun with it? Mess with him a little. Although Lewis is a bit scary. But who am I kidding? I've pointed a gun at him before. I can protect myself.

After my final lesson of the day, I walked towards the exit of the building passing the group of guys as I did.

"Goodbye boss and your little followers." I said to the jet black haired one with a three finger salute. As I walked away, I heard one of them snicker.

And with that, Andres picked me up and headed home.


Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to get the idea out of my head before I could forget it.

Thanks for reading tho :)


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