Chapter 3

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I drive towards the crowded club scene, where laughter and drunken slurs can be heard all around. I parked my car in an empty parking lot behind all of the bars and slipped my balaclava on, putting my hood up over the top of it.

I started weaving through small back alley's heading to the more densely populated area. I found myself walking towards Benny's, a highly spoken of club. Another left, and I should be nearing the back door. I stopped before turning the corner because I could hear a heated argument. It didn't sound good for the defending party. Being the nosy person I am, I decided to eavesdrop.

"You do realise that you aren't getting out of this alive don't you?" The mans smug voice said.

"You do realise that I don't give a da-"

I could hear a painful slap. And then a punch. And than an even louder slap.

I feel like I should break this up. I feel sorry for the poor sod that's being beaten, although he did just say that he didn't care if he died. I wanted to listen more so I tapped back into their conversation again.

"Spreading highly classified information, sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong, telling slanderous things to people. All of this stuff we do not take lightly." The man scowled.

Technically I'm sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong right now.

"Why don't you just shoot me already?" The beaten man hissed.

Ok I better intervene now before this definitely goes to far. My conscience is telling me not to, but I don't listen to it a lot. What if this guy really has done something very bad. I should let them continue. But I don't know if he has and from my point of view right now, I'm not going to stand here and let him get shot.

I grabbed the gun out of my waistband and turned the corner.

"YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO DROP YOUR WEAPONS" I shouted towards the 4 men that were standing over the poor man.

Only now had I realised that I am up against four people, not just one. I  slowly started walking to them.

"TEN... NINE... EIGHT" I shoot a warning shot into the air. Did I mention that there's a silencer on it?

"SEVEN... SIX... FIVE" Another shot went off.

The men started whispering to each other. As I approached them, they must have realised who I was because of the balaclava and the distinctive tattoo that was on my arm.


"OK, STOP!" One of them shouted.

"Drop your weapons! NOW!" I ordered them.

They did as instructed so I put mine away too. They were not pleased with me in the slightest. I stared at them all as they stared back at me. I then diverted my gaze to the bruised man next to them on the floor. Walking closer to him I came to a realisation.

"OH. HELL. NO!" I walked over to Kaleb and yanked him up by the collar.

"You are exactly who I was looking for tonight" I said with a large smirk.

I turned around to the men watching me in shock.

"You four can leave now" I shooed them away.

"Uhm, I kinda wanna watch." The shorter guy said.

"Fine do as you please, but you might not like it." I replied.

Now this is going to be fun. I grabbed my knife from its holster.

"People in my line of work don't like snitches, did you know that?" I took the knife and slowly started cutting into his cheek.

He only nodded.

"I didn't quite hear you." I pushed the blade in harder to get a response from him.

"Y-yes" he had tears swelling in his eyes.

"Good, and do you also know what happens to snitches in my line of work?" A big grin grew on my face as I put the knife away and grabbed the gun instead.

He saw me grab the weapon from my waistband and stared me in the eyes.

"Please n-no" he cried out.

"I thought you just told these guys that you didn't care if you died. What's with the change of attitude so suddenly?" I questioned accusingly.

I didn't give him enough time to answer as I pointed the gun between his eyes and pulled the trigger. That was satisfying. I turned to the stunned men.

"You can stay if you want but I suggest running before the police show up." I said to them with no emotion while running away from the lifeless body I had just dropped.

I took off in the direction of my car and the guys headed the opposite way.

I drove home and took a shower as I always do after a hit. I had all these thoughts. Why were those men harassing Kaleb? Maybe they knew who he was? Were they attacking him for the same reason that I was? I had so many questions because never before have I ever ran into anyone whilst on the job. It was interesting and I never expected them to lower their guns so easy without putting up a fight. But I am notorious in the underworld, so I immediately knew why they did. I wouldn't of hesitated to kill them if they didn't listen. I'm glad they did because I'm pretty sure my dad would not be pleased at all if had murdered an additional four people.

When I finished in the shower, I headed downstairs to debrief my father. I am sure he'd have a lot of questions after I tell him what happened.

"So, how'd it go?" My dad asked me as I walked into his office and took a seat opposite him.

"The mission was successful, but-" I said wearily.

"But what Alicia?" He questioned back with a hint of anger.

"Uhmm, I was not alone when I shot Kaleb."

"I suggest you elaborate." He gestured me to continue.

"When I reached the area he was in, I heard a loud argument happening so I just stayed back and listened for a few minutes. When they started to talk about shooting, I figured that I'd step in and interfere because I didn't want to let the attacking party kill him for something that I assumed would be about a stupid scuffle they had in the club. So as I approached the scene, I had my gun in hand yelling at them to drop their weapons. They were hesitant at first but as I got closer, they must have recognised me because they did end up lowering them. As I reached the beaten man on the floor, I saw that it was Kaleb and that made me instantly grab him and yeah, then I shot him. I just told the guys to run before the cops arrived. And they did." I explained.

"Well, you better hope that they don't go around telling everyone. We have an outstanding reputation within the underworld and I don't want this incident to ruin it. You know that you are not supposed to have company when you go out and do a hit." He retorted.

"I know, I am sorry. I didn't plan for them to be there I promise."

"Lets just hope that word doesn't get around, ok?"

"Yes father."

I was dismissed and stayed in my room for the rest of the night.


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