Chapter 7

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We entered physics and headed towards the back of the room. The farther you sit back, the less likely you are to get picked on to answer questions. We took two empty seats next to the window on the left side of the classroom. I had a good view into the quad.

The class was mostly full, but when the guys entered all eyes went to them, especially the girls. They were all batting their eyelashes at them, begging to grab their attention. News flash, it wasn't working. Much to my dismay, they chose the seats right in front of Sky and I.

I tried to focus on what the teacher was saying but I just couldn't. I was too distracted by the boys in front of me. They wouldn't shut up, they were just talking amongst themselves constantly. I was getting more frustrated by the second. Sky put her hand on my arm because she could see I was getting riled up.

"Relax. Ignore them." She whispered. I just looked at her and shook my head.

I leant forward over my desk.

"Can you lads shut the hell up? I'm trying to listen and I can't hear properly because you idiots are talking nonstop." I basically whisper shouted to them.

"Sorry your highness." Hayden snickered. "I'd hate to disturb your precious learning time." His mocking tone wasn't helping to calm me down.

Nathaniel was next to comment. "If you really cared that much love, you'd move seats so as you could hear better" I rolled my eyes at the use of 'love'.

Aries stared.

"You have any snide remarks to add boss?"

"Yeah, how about you sit back in your seat and leave us alone." He practically sneered.

With that the three of them turned back around. I turned my attention to Lewis who was watching the whole scene with mild amusement. He gave me a small smirk and shrugged. Then he turned back around to face the front.

Sky looked at me with a grin.

"What?" I asked her with a deflated smile.

"Nothing. You just normally have the last word and they dismissed you real quick." I rolled my eyes at her. I turned back to the front and tried to concentrate on the lesson.

By the time lunch rolled around I was starving. Sky had already found us a table and waved me over. I pointed toward the queue for pizza indicating that I was getting some. She gave me a thumbs up. When I was at the start of the line, I got a basic cheese and tomato one. Plain pizza is always the best.

I walked over and joined Sky. She had a pasta and salad sat in front of her. Typical health freak; not that there's anything wrong with that but you'd never catch me voluntarily choosing to eat that. I curled my nose up at her food.

"If you try it I'm sure you'd love it." She tried to convince me.

"Absolutely not. I would never choose to eat that garbage." I frowned.

"Don't hate it til' you try it." She countered.

"Uh huh, whatever you say. You can't seriously tell me you like the taste of those leaves." I pointed to her plate.

"That's why I have dressing on it. It gives it the nice flavour. Although your pizza does smell delicious."

"Nope. You ain't having any. Stick to your rabbit food." I gave her a mocking grin.

"Meany" she fake pouted.

"Im going out for a smoke. I'll be back soon." I said.

"Okay." She waved me off and snatched my pizza.

I made my way outside to where everyone goes to smoke. Behind one of the old bike sheds. When I got there I saw Lewis leaning against it with one leg bent up resting on the wall. As much as I wanted to walk away, I wanted a cigarette even more so I stepped forwards. He turned to look at me and blew out a puff of smoke as he did. I can't lie and say that it wasn't attractive because it really was. I'm a sucker for bad boys.

I leant on the wall next to him and pulled out a cig and lit it. We stood here in silence for couple of moments before he spoke.

"I didn't peg you as the type who smokes." He stated.

"Well there's a lot of stuff people don't know about me, even those closest to me." I replied.

He took another puff as did I.

"Is there a reason that your and your boys don't like me?" I asked.

"What makes you think we don't like you?"

"The way you guys speak to me. Like today in class."

"I never said anything." He said matter of factly.

"You didn't but that doesn't mean you're any better than them." I guessed.

"Debatable. I could be better. I could be worse." I turned to fully face him and I instantly regretted it. Seeing him up close is much different than seeing him sat down a good 6 feet away from me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Whatever you want it to mean."

"Stop being cryptic."

"I may look all big and scary but I'm not a douche like the other guys. I don't like to put people down when they've done nothing wrong. But when people mess with me that's a completely different story." Holding my gaze he says "I hope you'll never end up on my bad side because you won't enjoy it." Then he handed me his lighter with a bleeding heart on it before walking off.

"Why'd you give me this?" I shouted after him.

"Figure it out pink." There he goes being cryptic again.

"Why'd you call me pink?"

"I don't know, it's suits you. It's like the colour your cheeks turned when you first looked at me." He smirked as he walked backwards away from me. I pocketed the lighter and finished my cigarette before going back to the lunch hall.

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