Chapter 2

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Math went by pretty quickly to be honest. I practically did nothing but doodle in my notebook the whole time. Where as, whenever I glanced up, I could see every girl in the classroom staring at the new guy. I think his name is Aries, at least that was the name I could hear everyone constantly talking about. I presume that I'm correct.

It was now time for lunch, so I made my way to the dining hall, settling myself opposite Hayley. She smiled upon seeing me. I smiled back saying 'hi' at the same time.

"So I haven't seen you in a month, I take it that everything is good with you considering you're back?" Hayley questioned.

"All's good in life." Is all I said.

"That's good." She replied with a hesitant smile.

Something's not right. She's normally all bubbly and happy. I noticed that she kept staring off to a table behind me, I looked over my shoulder and recognised that it was the popular girls. They acted how Hayley normally does. She'd fit right in with their crowd. It's like she wanted to go over and sit with them.

"You don't have to stay with me, you can go sit with them if you like. I'm a big girl you know." I told her.

"Thank you and I'm sorry. A lot has changed in a month. I sort of started getting along with Lisa and eventually they let me hang out with them. It's just today I didn't because I knew you were back and I'd feel like an awful person if I just left you without telling you anything." She said sheepishly.

I gave her a quick, small smile.

"It's alright. I understand. Now go, be popular." I laughed as I shooed her off.

She looked at me one more time and mouthed another 'sorry'. I really didn't mind, I preferred my own company rather than others most of the time. At least in school that is. Outside I have my family and not just my blood one. I watched as she walked away.

I noticed the lunch room suddenly turn eerily quiet, which never happens at this college. Unusual. I glanced to the door and immediately knew why. The guy from math class, Aries, walked in with 3 other equally as attractive guys. I rolled my eyes at all the girls who started to flip their hair, pout their lips and push together their arms making their cleavage look bigger than it should be. But being in their own world chatting away, they didn't seem to notice the scene around them. I laughed in my head. How pathetic these girls looked trying to impress people who clearly didn't care. The group of guys made their way to the back of the cafeteria, slumping into one of the corner tables.

Luckily for the rest of the day, I had no more unwanted attention. Although first period went by fast, the rest of the day travelled in slow motion. I wanted to go home, take a nap and then let off some steam the only way I know how. Assassinating, fighting, anything dangerous and thrill seeking.

As I exited the college, I spotted Emiliano instead of Andres. I walked up to him.

"Sup, bro" I said childishly while fist bumping him.

"Where's Andy?" (my nickname for him) I questioned confused.

"He is stuck going through some important paperwork with your father. He just asked me to come in his place."

"Ohhhhh, ok"

"Why? You disappointed that it's me not him?"

"No! of course not. No one could ever be disappointed to see you." I smiled.

"My sweet little Alicia, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Emiliano said sarcastically with his hand over his heart.

"Well don't get used to it. It's probably never going to happen again. Plus I'm only two years younger than you so there is absolutely no need to call me little, you giant!"

"Giant?" He questioned with a smirk and one eyebrow raised.

"I couldn't think of anything better quick enough. So giant it was." I justified my answer.

He laughed to himself and we got in his dark blue BMW i8. I played my music in the car as we made our way home, which he wasn't too happy about.

When we entered the mansion, I did what I was planning on doing. Which was take a nap. Two hours later, I felt rejuvenated and got up to go and grab some dinner. After I grabbed some pizza, I made my way to my father's office on the other side of the house.

I knocked on the door and he shouted for me to enter. He looked all smart in his Armani suit. Alejandro placed a folder on the table and pushed it towards me as I took a seat. The front of it read 'Kaleb Mikaelson'. I grabbed it and began scanning the pages.

"So, as you can see Kaleb is an extremely disliked figure in the Underworld. He is a known snitch, going from one crime family to another, exposing each others concealed information that should never have been shared with him in the first place. As different criminal organisations caught onto his actions, he has fled and is now being hunted by the majority of us. This evening I got a tip off, saying that he would be in town around the rowdy club areas, leading us to believe that he might be talking to some outsider that has no authority knowing our undertakings. He needs to be axed off. So as you can probably tell, this is a big job." My dad informed me.

"Sounds like I'm going to be having a lot of fun tonight then." I said with a massive grin.

"I am being serious Alicia. This is no joke and if you wont take this seriously then I will assign it to someone else. Understand?"

"Yes father." I answered.

"Good, now go and get dressed into some darker clothes please. You'll need to leave in 15 minutes."

"Will do."

I made my way upstairs. I walked to my closet and went into the drawer that I keep my clothes in especially for jobs. I picked out some jet black jeans and a black sleeveless hoodie to go with it. Not forgetting my bright pink balaclava of course. It is my signature article of clothing that makes me very recognised within the underworld. But the rest needs to be black so as I can blend in with the shadows of night. Behind the painting of a heart being squeezed by a snake causing blood to drip from it, is a safe with all of my weapons inside. I opened it and placed a gun in the waistband of my jeans. I also gabbed a knife and put it in its holder that is attached around my upper left arm. I was set and ready to go. Did I mention that I had a tattoo identical to that painting? Well I have now. It is on my right upper arm so as everyone can see it. This is also a thing I am known by. Of course it is completely covered up for college and normal everyday things.

"I am ready father." I called to him as I ran down the stairs.

"Go get him Ally! Don't leave me disappointed." He said that last sentence with a stern voice.

"I won't, don't worry. You know I always deliver." I replied with a smile.

"Go nail the snitch." Andres called as I walked out the door towards my Porsche 911 GT3 RS.

"I will!" I waved back at him.


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