Chapter 6

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Monday morning arrived too early. The sun blaring through my window blinding me.

"Why'd you open the curtains?" I groaned.

"Because you overslept your alarm." Emiliano answered.

"I never heard it."

"That's because I silenced it."

"Why would you do that?" I asked him somewhat annoyed.

"Because it kept waking me up" he stated as if that was a dumb question to ask.

"That's the whole bloody point of an alarm you idiot." I got up and out of bed.

"Don't worry you only overslept by 10 minutes. It's not the end of the world." He stared at me with amusement.

"What?" I frowned.

"Your hair looks like a birds nest."

"Why thank you captain obvious. It looks like this pretty much every morning."

"Hold on, let me get my phone. I need to take a picture of this. I'll probably never see you like this again and I need to be able to reminisce about the time when Alicia looked like she had been dragged through a bush backwards." He laughed.

I didn't give him time to do that because I headed straight into my bathroom and slammed the door closed. I got ready for the day in just under half an hour which I was pretty amazed at if I'm being honest.

Emiliano was gone by the time I'd come out of the bathroom so I headed downstairs. When I reached the kitchen Andres and Emiliano were sat around the table eating coco puffs.

"Good choice." I heard Andy say as I entered. I wondered what he was talking about for a few seconds before he pointed to my t-shirt.

"No absolutely not" Emiliano argued.

"Linkin Park are amazing, don't hate on them."

"Ok ok" Emiliano held his hands up in defence. "I don't want to be punched again" a cruel smile spread on my lips.

I turned towards Andres.

"You ready to leave?" I asked him.

"Don't you wanna eat anything first?"

I walked to the fruit basked, grabbed an apple and showed it to him.

"I'll eat it in the car." I smiled at him.

"Okay" he replied.

I grabbed his keys and headed for the front door.

"Oh, hell no" he grabbed me and snatched the keys back. "No way in hell are you driving my car."

"Hey I'm a good driver" I sulked.

"I know but I'm a better one and I don't trust anyone to drive my baby." He smiled at me.

"Selfish prick." I murmured under my breath.

"I heard that." he laughed. I laughed too. He has a contagious laugh.

In the car Andres played Linkin Park because he was inspired by my shirt. Driving with Andres is much better than driving with Emiliano because all he does is blast modern pop songs which I can't stand and on the rare occasion that he lets me pick the music, he constantly whines throughout it. He's 20 but acts like a kid sometimes. Most people would not believe that he is a brutal hitman if they were told.

When we arrived at college I thanked Andy and told him I'll see him later.

I walked into the building and was shocked at what I saw. Sky was in the middle of the hallway talking to those four guys. Aries, Lewis, Nathaniel and Hayden. I pulled out my phone straight away and messaged her.

ME - what are you doing here S?

SKY - where are you so I can explain why I'm here in person??xx

ME - behind you at the end of the corridor

SKY - k be there in a sec x

I watched as Sky came towards me with a huge smile plastered on her face. I smiled back with a small one.

"Hey" she greeted me.

"Hi, you need to explain this please." I told her.

"Well I got kicked out of fallview college so I thought I may as well come here to be with you" she smiled at me.

"You should have told me. I could have picked you up or something... wait how'd you get kicked out?"

"Um so I beat up this girl named jasmine because she was threatening a new student. I got suspended and basically put on probation. They said if I did anything else drastic like that I'd be kicked out. Next thing you know, I've started a fire in one of the bathrooms. I was with three other people but they all put the blame on me but yeah, I did most of it anyway so they were right to pin it on me." She explained.

"Wow. I think my admiration for you just grew even more." I laughed "Hey wanna go start a fire in this bathroom behind us?" I joked.

"Oh hell no" she laughed. "I can't get kicked out already. I've only been here for ten minutes."

"Ok next thing, why were you standing with those guys over there?"

"I just walked pass them and they stopped me. They said 'hey new girl' so I assumed they were talking to me and they were. Why'd you ask?"

I dragged her into a nearby classroom so as we could speak privately.

"The last hit I did, I wasn't alone. Four people witnessed it, but they won't say anything I'm pretty sure because they noticed me and knew my reputation. The next day I was sat in class and they were behind me talking about it. It caught me off guard. They don't know that it was me behind the mask though."

"Oh damn" she said in awe. "I wish I was there to see it."

I laughed.

"As much I'd love to bring you sometime, you know I can't. My father is very strict with his rules about my hits." I explained.

"Yeah it makes sense. I ain't the best at stuff like this so I'd probably slow you down and we don't want that to happen. I'd end up getting you caught."

"I'm sure that wouldn't happen, but we can never be too sure." I answered.

"Yeah. So let me see your timetable. Let's see if we have any classes together."

I grabbed mine from my bag and showed her. Turns out we have maths together as well as physics and p.e. I really don't know why I chose to take a p.e class though. I suck at most sports except football and basketball. They're the only ones I like.

We started heading towards physics because that's what we had first period.

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