Chapter 5

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This evening, I decided that I wanted to go to my local underground fighting ring called 'The Pit'. It is one of my favourite places to go when I need to release some stress. It is also calming in a weird way. Plus my best friend, Sky, goes there constantly and it's always nice to see her. She is also part of my Syndicate family and is Andres' cousin to be specific.

When I arrived, the familiar scent of blood and sweat greeted me. And so did Sky. She had a massive smile on her face as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey doll." She shouted over the loud music playing.

"Looks packed today" I told her.

"Yup. Quite the turn out."

"It always is when Cap is fighting" I said matter of factly.

She grabbed my hand and we ventured further into the building. It's an old rundown warehouse that's been abandoned for years. Captain or Cap as we call him bought the place and renovated it until it became what it is now; a place where people can go to blow off steam. To fight without being under pressure from professional teams and leagues.

"Hey Cap" I smiled as we reached him. He was busy warming up, getting ready to beat the living daylights out of his opponent.

"Hey kid. Nice to see you again. Couldn't miss my fight huh?"

"I would never miss one of your fights. I'd never wanna miss watching you knock out someone for fun" I laughed. He smiled at my response.

"We'll have to get you in the ring again soon, it's been a while."

"I know. I've just been busy with hits."

"How's that going for you? Making sure you stay safe?" He asked concerned.

"Always old man. You know I'm a professional." I teased.

"Ew never call me old man again." He shuddered. "It actually makes me realise that I will have to stop this sooner or later." He frowned.

"Old age won't stop you Cap."

"She's right Cap. You'll still be throwing punches at 50." Sky chimed in.

"I bloody hope so. I can't imagine my life without fighting."

"Go continue warming up, we'll be on the sidelines ready and waiting." Sky told him.

"Will do. Wish me luck."

"You don't need it. You'll smash it" I told him with a big smile.

Me and Sky made our way to the edge of the ring.

5 minutes later, the bell rang signalling the start of the round. The sounds of flesh on flesh echoing around the building. Cap was killing it. Throwing punch after punch hitting the guy in the face, stomach and shoulder. I'm pretty sure he dislocated his opponents collarbone. Cheers surrounded the area as Cap landed his final blow knocking the poor guy out. He never had a chance, Captain was just too good.

"You killed it Cap" I shouted across the ring. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up from the other side.

"You ready to go?" Sky asked me.

"Yep. I've got my car here. Do you need a lift?"

"No it's fine I drove here with Dallas. He's inside somewhere."

"Ok, well I'll see you soon and tell your boyfriend I said hello." I replied.

"Will do. Bye hun."

"Bye." I waved.

I got in my car and headed back to my house with Journey blasting from the stereo. The pit is only 10 minutes away from where I live so I didn't have to travel far. To be honest I should have walked but why walk when I have a perfectly good car.

At home Emiliano was waiting in my room for me dressed in his pj's.

"You look comfy." I stated.

"I am." He smiled

"Is there a reason you're lounging on my bed Emiliano?"

"Nope. Just thought I could stay here tonight like old times. It's late and I'm tired and can't be asked to drive home" he gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine get the pull out bed from the closet." I told him.

"Why can't I share yours?" He smirked at me.

"You are like a brother to me. Don't start getting weird."

"I didn't mean it idiot." He said with a laugh. "I wouldn't even sleep with you if we were the last two people alive."

'That's a lie." I said point blank.

"Well yeah. But unless that scenario ever happens it won't be happening. No offence." He smiled.

"None taken. Now go to the closet." I pointed toward it.

"Yes ma'am."

He grabbed the bed and set it up on the floor next to mine. I went to the cupboard in the hallway to grab extra blankets and pillows. I walked back in and threw them at him.

"Ow, you could have damaged my beautiful complexion." He said with mock hurt.

"They're soft you moron. And your face is already damaged. You have a black eye remember. I punched you in the face." I laughed at him.

"Well you could have damaged it more." He teased.

'"Shhh go to sleep now, otherwise I'm kicking you out of the room."

"Ok bossy boots." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Turn the light off before you get comfy please you big teddy bear."

"Ew really? Teddy bear?" He cringed.

"Would you rather me call you golden retriever?"

"Yes actually."

"Light. Now. Or I'll punch you again" I teased. He walked over and switched it off.

"If I find you on my bed at any time in the night you will be getting kicked in the balls." I said sternly.

"I promise I won't intentionally find my way into your bed."

"Thank you. Good night soft boy." I could practically hear his eyes roll.


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