A gender neutral Y/N has ended up in Inazuma after ending up adrift at sea as a result of their fight with Osial.
There is currently a civil war going on between those in control and those who refuse to lie down and lose everything in the name of Et...
A couple of days had passed, since Yoimiya had found me on that sandy beach, all alone and with the nasty gash on my leg. But, thanks to Yoimiya's aid, I had almost entirely recovered already. I was able to walk on my own again, albeit only for a short while before the pain grew more noticeable again.
For now, Yoimiya had me stay in her home, alongside her father. Apparently it would be dangerous for me to be seen wandering around the city as I am. What with the current tensions of Inazuma in regards to outlanders. And I looked very much like an outlander according to Yoimiya and Tohma.
Thinking of Tohma, he'd actually visited a couple times since my arrival. Mostly he was just discussing plans with Yoimiya as to how they would go about "saving those running from the decree" and he'd bring over supplies like bedding and long-lasting food. I guess they really are planning on using this building to house hiding Vision-wielders...
I wasn't so desperate to find my Vision and weapon anymore, now that I don't really have any intention to try and return to Liyue. But I should probably find them anyways... they are mine after all! But... I have no clue where they ended up, I just hope they aren't at the bottom of the sea... there's no way I'd ever get them back if they were!
???: "Hellooooo? Teyvat to Y/N. You in there friend?"
Y/N: "Hmm? Oh, sorry Yoimiya. I didn't notice you come in."
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Yoimiya: "You did look pretty deep in thought! Anything I can help with?"
Y/N: "Thanks for offering. But you've already done so much as is, and—"
Yoimiya: "Y/N, you dummy! I've already told you: you don't owe me anything! We're friends after all, and friends help each other out with their problems!"
Y/N: "But you've done more than just help me, you practically saved me! And you're letting me use this room until my leg's healed. To ask any more of you..."
Yoimiya: "Well, it's not like you have anywhere better to be, is there? What with the state of your leg and your lack of documentation to actually be legally allowed in this country!"
Y/N: "... Jeez, I almost kinda wish my friend in legal knew I was here. Although, unlike you, she'd probably have me owe her for her efforts for a long time to come!!"
Yoimiya: "Oh? Teehee! She sounds like quite the character! ...Say? Speaking of which... I kinda... well, I kinda wanna try asking you again! About where you came from that is."
Y/N: "That again? I... I really don't think you want to know. And I... I really don't want to remember it. I want to pretend the last year of my life had never happened."
Yoimiya: "But what about your friend? The one in legal? And I remember you mentioned someone else, right? A close friend? Don't you want to get back to your friends once we've got you all patched up and a boat sorted to sail out of Inazuman waters?"