S2 Chapter 8

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In the first scene it shows Izuku Midoryia standing on a balcony near the roof top of one of the larger buildings in the city with his Wing-Drake perched on the railing as Izuku was currently wearing U.A uniform as he watches from the distance as All-Might is soaring by as the words MY HERO ACADEMIA appear in front of him

In the next scene it reveals Ochaco, Kirishima, Bakugou, Tenya, Todoroki and Izuku all doing stretches in different parts of the city as when Izuku was done with his stretches he turns around as he does everything around him is now dark as standing before him a couple feet away was a man who is a bit taller then Izuku by half a foot was wearing the same wolf design armour Izuku wore before it had being destroyed at the USJ attack including the sword as the 2 would just stare at each other before giving each other a nod

For this scene many of the diffrent students of both class 1-A and 2-B plus some support classes where in a arena for a sports festival as it showed Todoroki and Izuku as a large barrage of ice was heading towards the white haired hunter before a torrent of flames consumes the ice as the fire takes over before revealing All-Might coming soaring over and would reel back his fist and punch causing everything to go white as the final scene plays

As the last scene now shows Izuku with his masters broken sword as he was in the alleyway currently engaged in a sword fight with a figure in red and black clothing with spiked boots, red scarf and mask that only covers his eyes as the fighter had black hair with a jaggered sword that had seen many battles as the 2 where locked in a power struggle before Midoryia would pull back his blade and thrust forward as he does the area changes to not a figure cloaked in darkness the only things that made visable to the figure was hidden by a hooded cloak that conceals their face as the clothing seems to be rags and cloth stitched together with torn and tattered bits as the figure would go full back into the darkness ending the scene
Hospital Private Medical Wing 3rd person

It had being some time after the attack at the USJ as everyone made out alive some with some minimal injuries but a few were a bit traumatised due the death and blood that had occurred which was being arrange for therapeutic sessions with Hound Dog at a later date as inside the private medical room in the hospital both Yagi and Izuku was their both in bandages but Izuku was seemingly asleep as Yagi can still remember when the nurses had attempted to get his bandages on which doesn't help him ease his mind at how his student had reacted leaving him puzzled as to why he suddenly got so defensive
Flashback 6 hours ago 3rd person

Both Yagi and an unconscious Izuku had both being brought to the hospital rather quickly as due Izuku's injuries he had being quickly rushed into the emergency room for surgery as they removed the broken armour with some much needed help due to its weight as underneath his Chestplate and leggings was some clothing namely short shorts and what could be barely described as a top as it only covered his upper back and chest as it was also mostly sleeveless as everything else had being exposed with his scarred rittled body but they had no time to remove the last bit of clothing and had to attend to his stomach wound which shockingly looked liked it healed at least some to stop bleeding but their still was a hole but that wasn't the only thing the surgeons came across while operating on Izuku but not only that some scarring was evident that what injuries he received in the past should have being fatal but it was more in his stomach wound as while they where doing what they can to patch up the wound they have come across this thick black substance that was seeminly alive and aiding in the healing by closing up and repairing tissue damage while slowish it was still noticeable as the black substance looked like tar if not some type of corroded tissue but what it was unknown to the doctors as it was hard to determine what it was but they took a good sample size but not to much as seen it was aiding in the recovery process which was still odd as in the records this black substance or whatever it was had nothing to do with Izuku's quirk which was dubbed Super Power as the sample was taken to the lab for study so they can find out what it is as the surgery had taken 4 hours thanks to the Izuku's natural healing, black substance and the doctors themselves as when he declared stable enough was taken to a private wing of the hospital where Yagi lays as he was in some bandages as he saw Izuku being wheeled in at first he was worried but knew the professionals had done their job but still that was really quick he was exspecting much longer like way longer

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