S4 Chapter 33

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It would open to show a black metallic boot as it stomps on the ground kicking up a small amount of dust as it swirls around as it would pan up revealing it to be Midoryia as he was looking at his right hand as it was flicking showing it coated in blood at times a large knife in his palm as it would vanish to now reveal a glowing blue star surrounded in a rainbow aura as he closes his fist as it would then change to show him now surrounded by his class mates of 1-A including Alexander but their was another person taller then the others however any description of him was impossible as he was hidden in a shadow except for his weapon which looked like a massive 2 sided battle axe with hand size slots on the sides and along the "handle" was a 2 sided sword as then their was the handle as the weapon gleams in the light as it would then change to show Ryukyu and Izuku together as Ryukyu smiles making Izuku turn away rubbing the back of his head while blushing as it would then change to that of a little girl with long white hair, red eyes and a horn on her head as on her arms and legs are covered in bandages as the background would show a bloody scalpel as she starts running to only trip and start falling from the sky as Izuku was their falling with her as they are both reaching out to her then it would change to show Yagi in his baggy hero costume as his back was against another figure who was in a white suit wearing glasses with green hair and 2 yellow stripes in them as his back was against Yagis the background showing a ticking clock then to a hallway of stone as ice was surrounding the ground and walls as Alexander can be seen slowly marching forward as each step cracked the ice ground as his ice covered duel blades gleam in the light as it would change now showing half the face of Izuku his teeth bared in anger his eyes slitted glowing bright red with rage as red lighting was dancing off his eye as this would end the scene

With that being said the 2 would now be at the desk sitting opposite of each other with the paper in place as Mirio had freed Bubbke Girl from her bondage of tickle torture as Izuku had notice the office room was filled with All-Might's merchandise as he kept this in mind incase this might come down to talking about the former number 1 hero

Night Eye-'so you wish to work for my Agancy and once i stamp this document then you will be under my tutelage'

Izuku-'that would be correct however you were not my first choice but a recommendation so if i do or dont get accepted to join your agency wont change much for me'

Sir-'I see then tell me why bother to have come to me when you have other choices in mind'

Izuku-'simple like a job resume the more experience i have with diffrent agencies grants me higher chances of better feild of work plus the general experience in learning from variouse pros is a side bonus and thanks to Principal Nezu and your Underling Mirio had i being given this option'

Sir-'I see'

As he would raise up the stamp and bring it down only for it to hit the desk as everyone in the room was quiet as Izuku looked at the stamp then at Sir as he saw the stern look of course this wasnt going to be easy however despite Midoryia being a warrior doesnt mean he was a mindless fighter he understood most politics oh his world and somewhat of this 1 and while talking wasnt his best strong suit he wasnt helpless

Izuku-'i believe it seems i have failed to have impressed you as of yet'

Sir-'No you haven't as i look at you as of now i cant see why i should hire you as all i see is some muscle head why would i want someone who is most likely going to scare those that are already at unease with All-Might retiring?'

Izuku-'*he isnt wrong from his perspective i dont look the most approachable due to my mangled scarred form i have being known to be stern and serious....no i shouldnt ridicule myself he doesnt know me and what i had to do to survive!* i see that is rather understandable however even those with the roughest edges can be big softies to those that are weaker then themselves i am sure you have heard this saying many times but judging 1 on mere appearance is almost never right'

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