S4 Chapter 41

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It would open to show a black metallic boot as it stomps on the ground kicking up a small amount of dust as it swirls around as it would pan up revealing it to be Midoryia as he was looking at his right hand as it was flicking showing it coated in blood at times a large knife in his palm as it would vanish to now reveal a glowing blue star surrounded in a rainbow aura as he closes his fist as it would then change to show him now surrounded by his class mates of 1-A including Alexander but their was another person taller then the others however any description of him was impossible as he was hidden in a shadow except for his weapon which looked like a massive 2 sided battle axe with hand size slots on the sides and along the "handle" was a 2 sided sword as then their was the handle as the weapon gleams in the light as it would then change to show Ryukyu and Izuku together as Ryukyu smiles making Izuku turn away rubbing the back of his head while blushing as it would then change to that of a little girl with long white hair, red eyes and a horn on her head as on her arms and legs are covered in bandages as the background would show a bloody scalpel as she starts running to only trip and start falling from the sky as Izuku was their falling with her as they are both reaching out to her then it would change to show Yagi in his baggy hero costume as his back was against another figure who was in a white suit wearing glasses with green hair and 2 yellow stripes in them as his back was against Yagis the background showing a ticking clock then to a hallway of stone as ice was surrounding the ground and walls as Alexander can be seen slowly marching forward as each step cracked the ice ground as his ice covered duel blades gleam in the light as it would change now showing half the face of Izuku his teeth bared in anger his eyes slitted glowing bright red with rage as red lighting was dancing off his eye as this would end the scene

Midoryia would jump back gaining some distance from the armoured figure he of course reckonised him as Leonidas Victorious 1 of the many kingdoms royal guards in his world as starting with the head piece it was like a oval dome that covers the entire head and neck with platting barely covering the shoulders as their is a white visor as the metal was black that helped bring out said visor as for the chestplate was nonthing special other then the colouration being entirely black as nearly the waist it was a more lighter blue like the sky with sploches of white as on the back of the chestplate was the royal insignia as displayed on it was a white castle which was infront of a large sheild as their is a sword going though the castle itself as on the ground of the castle are splotches of green to represent the grass as above the castle in the "sky" are many white dots but in the centre of the white dots is a Sapphire Star, on the gauntlets they are black except for the slinger on the left wrist that was entirely white including the finger tips of the gaunltets, onto the waist belt it was entirely white as it had everything 1 could ask for a hunt including their own scoutflies as for the leggings they are more of a light blue until it goes past the knees which was now green until it reached the heavy boots which take on a dirt brown colour now onto the weapon on Leonidas right hand is a large bladed sword that was double edge as it was best described as a lunk of steel as in Leonidas left hand was appeared to be a sheild that had blocked Izukus attack but to call it a sheild isnt correct it was more accurate to call it a massive axe head that was double sided as their is a large port slot on both top and bottom of the axe head as Leonidas was looking at the glowing orange eyes of Izuku seeing the anger in them

Leonidas-'ßœ þhīß īß þhə řæğə ī hævə həæřđ ßœ mųçh æbœųþ'

Alexander-'Đœňþ ğəþ çœçķý hə æīmß þœ ķīłł īf ýœų ßłīp ųp'

Leonidas-'ķīłł mə? Pffffþ đœňþ mæķə mə łæųğh'

As Leonidas would suddenly lunge forward at Izuku and swing the large steel blade as the pure blood returns the favor and swings his broken blade as both metal weapons CLANK against each other as they are in a small power struggle as sparks are flying from the weapons as Leonidas would suddenly grab onto Midoryia's armor and using his strength would throw him up high in the air before slamming the blade into the port hole of the axe head as it clicks into place as he takes aim as a small blast of energy comes out hurtling at Izuku who only growls and smacks away the energy as his eyes go white as he charges up energy from both the fire stone and One For All to his mouth as the power glows from the mix as he fires a concentrated beam of fire and lighting at Leonidas who saw the attack coming and manages to jump out of the way as the beam slices though the concrete with ease causing an explosion that slams into Leonidas causing him to tumble slightly but the royal guard was able to quickly get up as Izuku lands with a bang to the ground as their is a fire on their left as the 2 stare at each other with Izuku having a look of excitement on his face

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