S4 Chapter 28

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It would open to show a black metallic boot as it stomps on the ground kicking up a small amount of dust as it swirls around as it would pan up revealing it to be Midoryia as he was looking at his right hand as it was flicking showing it coated in blood at times a large knife in his palm as it would vanish to now reveal a glowing blue star surrounded in a rainbow aura as he closes his fist as it would then change to show him now surrounded by his class mates of 1-A including Alexander but their was another person taller then the others however any description of him was impossible as he was hidden in a shadow except for his weapon which looked like a massive 2 sided battle axe with hand size slots on the sides and along the "handle" was a 2 sided sword as then their was the handle as the weapon gleams in the light as it would then change to show Ryukyu and Izuku together as Ryukyu smiles making Izuku turn away rubbing the back of his head while blushing as it would then change to that of a little girl with long white hair, red eyes and a horn on her head as on her arms and legs are covered in bandages as the background would show a bloody scalpel as she starts running to only trip and start falling from the sky as Izuku was their falling with her as they are both reaching out to her then it would change to show Yagi in his baggy hero costume as his back was against another figure who was in a white suit wearing glasses with green hair and 2 yellow stripes in them as his back was against Yagis the background showing a ticking clock then to a hallway of stone as ice was surrounding the ground and walls as Alexander can be seen slowly marching forward as each step cracked the ice ground as his ice covered duel blades gleam in the light as it would change now showing half the face of Izuku his teeth bared in anger his eyes slitted glowing bright red with rage as red lighting was dancing off his eye as this would end the scene

3 days had passed but finally the day was here for the new dorm system as everyone in Class 1-A can be seen eaither leaving their respective homes or just finishing their packing all the while others can be seen nearing U.A while both Hunters can be seen at U.A both watching a statue like Iida in his chair in the classroom in fascinating wondering what, when or how he will start to move again but time would pass with the entire class present infront of Aizawa as they are all standing out infront of the massive new dorm system as everyone was marveled at the structure except for Midoryia and Alexander as the 2 hunters had slightly helped where they could with both hunters having stayed at the base of the Fifth fleets research commission base for over a year they knew what was needed and where and while not all of their ideas had being submitted though didnt mean they are not impressed by the end result as this was going to be everyones home including the hunters until they find a way back home with their daughter/granddaughter as it would pan out to U.A itself as inside in one of the many floors over looking the new building was Nezu however something else was on his mind that couldnt bring him to fully admire the craftsmanship of the building

Nezu-'*The dorm system we have put in place isn't just to ensure the students safety it is also to determine the threat we have still not taken care of....the leak. In order to overcome the unease that has been in the air for a long time we will avoid doing a public investigation and search behind the scenes. It pains me to suspect not just the teachers but also the students and oir guest but in the position i am in i have no choice. The loss of the Symbol i am sure the effects of that will appear in big ways as time passes. Anyway right now we need energy and revival at least for the younger new geneation we need to show them a bright future*'

As it would then return back to Class 1-A as Aizawa had began to speak to them all

Aizawa-'For now i am just glad that we were able to bring Class 1-A back together again'

Sero-'Everyone was allowed to enter the dorms huh'

Hagakure-'sigh. I had a hard time'

Jiro-'That's normal'

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