S3 Chapter 21

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The first scene opens revealing a open tree stump as their are 2 large circular bladed weapons as the weapons are so large that it can easily cover up the entire lower arms of most muscular large heros as the weapons circular design like a tire as it also has sharp rigged spines like a buzz saw as their is a circle hole with a straight handle in the middle as the inner circle was a light blue colour as their are unusual runes that run along the side of the blades as they are emitting a freezing cold mist as the whole top half of the stump and almost half of the trunk was covered in ice as the scene would change to that of a large shopping centre as class 1-A is their as they are going about doing their shopping but Midoryia is standing still as their is a figure in a hoodie jumper having grabbed the back of his throat but neither moved as Midoryia's hand grabs the assailants arm slowly with a tight grip as the scene would change to that of a dark atmosphere as it was the realm inbetween with the half a foot deep water but their was massive figures not human or wyverain as they are in the shape of massive dragons but due to them being covered in darkness as they towered high some reaching nearly a kilometre in height but their was one figure that took on a humanoid shape the size of a human as their is only a way to see them is their glowing eyes and aura of absolute power that made any power ever seen seem obsolete as words fill the void in the Wyverain tongue


as the scene would change once again as this time it was in a ruined city as it shows All for One and All-Might but their was another a women with white hair that was lightly messy with curls but the womens back was the only thing that could be seen as she was also wearing a suit as the symbol of peace was powering up against the symbol of evil and the unknown woman as the scene changes again this time to the whole of Class 1-A as they are flying over a huge forrest using their quirks to do so as it would change one last time as Midoryia can be seen charging up his power of One for All as it breaking and uplifting rocks as he leaps forward to face against a large opponent of muscle mass as the 2 would clash ending the scene

Both Shoji and Midoryia pressed their backs against their respective tree as they hid from the monstrous Dark Shadow as it was passing though the trees looking for anything to attack

Izuku-'what has happened Shoji why is Dark Shadow hunting?'

Shoji-'keep quiet. After Mandalay's Telepath about the villain attack telling us not to engage we went onto high alert immediately. Right after that we were attacked by a villain i covered Tokoyami hiding in the foliagr even as my own arm got cut off'

Izuku-'your arm!?'

As he looks down seeing the missing appendage still dripping blood

Shoji-'even though it is not a shallow cut it is not like i have lost it forever my Dupli-Arms can even duplicate my duplicated organs and what was cut off was a duplicate but i guess he couldnt even stand that the quirk he had been holding back started getting out of control'

As more trees are broken as Dark Shadow roars again loudly as Izuku watches as his eyes study Dark Shadow for weakness and ehere was best to attack should it ever come to it

Izuku-'in deep darkness he cant control it i didnt realize his quirk was so peaky'

Shoji-'it was probably his emotions like righteous indignation and regret that made it even more wild he kept trying to hold it back but'

As Shoji was taking a step back he would step on one of the twigs that got blown nearby to him causing it to break as the sound got Dark Shadows attention as without any hesitation attacked the spot they are in as both Hunter and U.A students managed to jump away and hide in a diffrent spot just as their prior location was destroyed by Dark Shadow

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