Two Hero's Movie

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The sound of heavy rain is heard as it was pouring down heavily as any sound was easily drowned out as nasty blistering winds howl though out as peering down Izuku can be seen standing but his white hair is drenched and covering his face as his head was looking down as his body had no shirt as their are many lacerations and open cuts along his body which was bleeding down his body and onto the muddy stone ground as the freezing wind and cold rain slam into his body but he didn't move and he couldn't if he wanted to as both of his legs are shackled to the ground as these shackles can hold the power of an Elder Dragon for a full hour as both of his arms are strewn up and to the side so he couldn't protect his wounds as he was currently serving punishment but then his body began to stir as his body shakes from his injuries and cold as he raised his head slightly and looked around and at his shackles but they wouldn't budge he couldn't escape as all he can do was hold out for his master and mistress but as he waits he finds his shackles lacking as he looked at himself as he was now currently running as the ground beneath him was a lush green as next to him his a giant no a huge forest with trees over a kilometre high as he was running as fast as he could as he was in his master's armour but didn't have his sword as 20 metres and quickly approaching was a young wyverain women who was pinned under a large monster with yellow scales and green as it looked like a over grown iguana as this was a Great Jagras as it had ambushed her as this was Izuku's field partner but as he ran the scenery would change as he was in a crystal cavern as a cliff drop was instantly infront of him as he was no longer wearing his masters helmet as it was in his hand as he quickly turned around but it was already too late as he fell off the side as he falls he reaches out for the edge which was out of his reach as he continued to fall as a loud splash is heard as he fell into the Legendary Ever-Stream as he was sinking unable to surface as he felt like he was drowning and no matter how hard he tryed his body refused to move as he lost consciousness his eyes would suddenly snap back open as his breathing was heaving along with some heavy coughs as he was out of his seat and on his hands and knees as his pupils have shrunk


All-Might-'Young Midoryia!'

As the 2 pro Hero's had rushed to Midoryia's side as his body was shaking as his breathing was frantic his head pounding

Ryukyu-'Easy Izuku breath nice and slow your ok you were just dreaming easy now'

Having time to calm himself down Midoryia groans dammit that dream again why did that have to keep on occurring as he got into a sitting position

Ryukyu-'you ok?'

Izuku-'yea i am fine sorry just felt real my dream'

All-Might-'and what was your dream?'

Izuku-'i was falling and i splashed into a deep stream and i was sinking but no matter what i tried i couldn't surface i was beginning to drown i was alone'

He said his eyes staring at the ground as All-Might was looking concerned that Izuku didn't seem that effected that he was drowning but the fact he was alone as it was happening nobody to save him as the number 1 hero looks over at Ryukyu who looks back as while she wasn't with Izuku anywhere as much as All-Might due to All-Might teaching at U.A she could tell that this was far more concerning then it seemed as the ground began to shake

All-Might-'oh it would seem we have gotten into some minor turbulence best get back into our seats'

Which the 3 would do as the 3 of them are actually on a small private jet as they were on their way to I-Island as an invitation to the Expo as Midoryia was coming due to being the winner of the sports festival and he gave his spare ticket for Ryukyu to come and join the Expo which she gladly accepted as to why he didn't give his spare to All-Might well their was no need since he was the Number 1 hero so of course he was going to get invited to the event as Izuku had being baffled when he was told that I-Island was fully artificial and was moving which seemed impossible but no it was very real he had chuckled thinking about all the scientist and engineers and blacksmiths back at Astera and the Old World if they were told of such a landmass as this time Izuku didn't bring his weapon or his armour as he was told of the exstreme security's measures that it was impossible for any villane's to take over which only amused Izuku while it may stay villane attacks he wasn't so sure how well it will do against a monster attack let alone a pissed off Elder Dragon and god forbid a Black Dragon were to attack but he believed their claims of the islands security as he only brought his formal outfit that he had never worn before and not much else as he looked out of the window as another thing that amazed him was this metal aircraft as it flew over the ocean as it was way faster then any airship he has being on and it was even smaller then said airship yet was still able to take off into the sky it was incredible as this metal craft was called a jet or an airplane which the hunter was baffled at seeing the various sizes which had being a good distraction from his slight embarrassment back at the airport as such a place was like being in a maze of sorts if he didnt follow All-Might and Ryukyu he was sure to have gotten lost for his scout flies would have taken hours just scouting out this massive airport place them came the security which thankfully wasnt too complicated and since he didnt have much on him it was easy to go though excluding the huge amount of All-Might fans and a few Ryukyu's fan that had realised that those 2 were their of course a majority of Ryukyus male fans had backed off when Midoryia had growled as to him watching their eyes ogle the goddess was a great insult but once that mess was over then came the next problem waiting which the hunter had done his fair share of long waits but that was a time years ago it really wasnt hard to keep himself distracted to wait as he observed the various planes keeping in mind on how they look and functioned for possible plans to give when he gets back to his home world with his daughter and pack members but back to the present time he looked out the window as he would see the island as it would come into view as the island was so massive that apparently over 10,000 people resided and lived on the moving island which was another amazing thing for the hunter

Hunter in a Hero's World (Getting Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now