S4 Chapter 39

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It would open to show a black metallic boot as it stomps on the ground kicking up a small amount of dust as it swirls around as it would pan up revealing it to be Midoryia as he was looking at his right hand as it was flicking showing it coated in blood at times a large knife in his palm as it would vanish to now reveal a glowing blue star surrounded in a rainbow aura as he closes his fist as it would then change to show him now surrounded by his class mates of 1-A including Alexander but their was another person taller then the others however any description of him was impossible as he was hidden in a shadow except for his weapon which looked like a massive 2 sided battle axe with hand size slots on the sides and along the "handle" was a 2 sided sword as then their was the handle as the weapon gleams in the light as it would then change to show Ryukyu and Izuku together as Ryukyu smiles making Izuku turn away rubbing the back of his head while blushing as it would then change to that of a little girl with long white hair, red eyes and a horn on her head as on her arms and legs are covered in bandages as the background would show a bloody scalpel as she starts running to only trip and start falling from the sky as Izuku was their falling with her as they are both reaching out to her then it would change to show Yagi in his baggy hero costume as his back was against another figure who was in a white suit wearing glasses with green hair and 2 yellow stripes in them as his back was against Yagis the background showing a ticking clock then to a hallway of stone as ice was surrounding the ground and walls as Alexander can be seen slowly marching forward as each step cracked the ice ground as his ice covered duel blades gleam in the light as it would change now showing half the face of Izuku his teeth bared in anger his eyes slitted glowing bright red with rage as red lighting was dancing off his eye as this would end the scene

A few minutes ago-

Aizawa, Nighteye along with Alexander and a few swat team members along with Rock Lock can be seen in 1 of the many warped rooms that had being created by mimic as not long ago the others that were with them had gotten split off but with Aizawa and Alexander utilising their skills were able to defeat mimic and have him detained before them as said villain was in binds

Aizawa-'It is nice that the living maze thing is done but it is hard to tell where we are now'

Nighteye-'I know what direction Eris room is in'

Swat-'Irinaka! Put the walls back in order! Hurry!'

Only for Mimic to do nonthing but tremble in his anger his body having yet to recover from using the drug for so long and at such power along with getting his ass kicked only thing he could do was sit their and grumble


Aizawa-'The drugs probably wore off as now he can only enter and control objects that are as big as a fridge but no larger as the drug had giving him the boost he needed in order to warp the walls as suspected Fat Gums guess was right. Irinaka doesnt have enough power to do that anymore'

Swat-'But there is still Toga and Twice! The League of Villains must be hiding somewhere!'

Mimic-'Toga......Twice.....I wont forgive you! You traitors!'

Night Eye-'Where are the other League members?'

Mimic-'The Hell If I Know! I Will Definitely Find Them All! I Will Break Open The Skulls Of All The League Bastards! Ahhhhhhh!'

Night Eye-'Which means those 2 were the only ones here huh?'

Swat-'There is no sign of the League coming to attack us.....'

Swat-'But it is hard to believe they are on our side just because they betrayed Irinaka'

Swat-'The League of Villains is wanted by police across the country. As police officers we cannot just ignore them'

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