Chapter 6

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I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. They're too good for me, I'm not a good person.

I tell myself while staring at the ground I wish I could just disappear. I wish they wouldn't have met me. I don't deserve to be in their presence.

I.. am... nothing.

Megan POV

I look at Jorden with my "what the fuck" face. But I see that he's hurting too, oh gosh he has tears in his eyes. I have to fix this.

With my hand on Mani's chin I lift her face up saying,

"Pancake look at me. Look. At. Me. You do deserve us. Like we deserve you. Stop putting yourself down. I.. I know you didn't have the best childhood or was in the greatest relationship before us. But know that that's not the case with us. We care for you, and want the best for you. And that this right here between us three is it. And most importantly we love you baby girl.... So let's go sit down and enjoy the food. Cause you will definitely enjoy it"

I grab both her and Jorden's hands walking us to our booth with her sitting in between us. Jorden turns to Normani and begins to apologize for him yelling at her. I begin to listen but say it's their moment and I don't want to ruin it.

I sip my wine, and when I put it down I look up to see Normani cut Jorden talking off with a cute little peck, which makes me automatically aww to how cute it was. Earning a blush from Normani and that sexy bright smile from Jorden.

Oh how great this night is going to be...

As the night went on it got better. Really better. Normani being the foodie that she is killed everything Jorden had ordered for us. Nothing but laughter and fun between us all

"So Mani you picked your classes for this new semester coming up yet? I remember you saying you need that biology class that only comes once every year" Jorden asked

Nervously laughing Normani pushes some hair out of her face and behind her ear. And I can already tell that she's going to lie.

" Um um... ye.. yeah I was able to get into the class. I'm happy about that"

"So we lie to each other now!?!?" I semi yell frustrated that she's lying when we all agreed to be honest with one another. That being the number one rule between a Dom and sub. Trust and honesty.

Looking down Normani says no I'm not. Which begins to frustrate Jorden as well, but boils my blood even more.

"And you choose to STILL lie!!! Look me in my face and say it." I say ready to bend her over and spank her plump ass red

Slowly lifting her head up, Normani answers with a soft whisper "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry. I... I lied. It's just that I don't have any financial aid left so I have to pay for my classes on my own. And... And I don't have it to pay that money. So I'm just going to continue to work until I have enough saved. I.. I didn't want to say anything cause I know how happy you guys were that I'm in school and I was sad that I'm letting you guys down." She says with tears developing in her eyes

"Pancake, baby.. you are not letting us down. We're still very proud of you for going to school and on the road to getting your degree. You didn't and am not letting us down. We support you in everything." I say while grabbing her left hand

"And you forgot that we all agreed to be honest with each other good or bad. No matter what we love and care for you. Nothing you say can make us think the worse of you. Oh and you don't have to worry about your classes anymore, that is basically paid for as we speak." Jorden says while grabbing her other hand.

" you don't have to.. pl-"

" Whose in control here!?" I say grabbing her chin

" You and Jorden"

"Uh nope, wrong answer pancake." Jorden whispers in her ear

"Try again"
Swallowing hard she crosses her legs, lick her lips and answer with 2 simple words...

"Master and Daddy"

The smile on Jorden and I faces when she acknowledged us. Master, ugh I could've automatically finger fucked her till she was screaming my name.

Yes we've talked about how we would like to be addressed, but to hear her say it. It sounded so right. But here I am in our bed with Jorden's head snuggled into my neck with his arms around my waist. And Normani has her head in between my breast with one of her legs around my waist and a hand in a interlock hold with Jorden's laid over my waist as well. All of us connected in some way. After dinner and that talk of letting her know whose boss. While in the car we were, keyword is were supposed to drop her off at her and Ryan's apartment but once she said that Ryan was at Belcalis and Kiari house. We told her she's staying the night with us instead of being alone. At first we all were tired and brought Mani to the guest room. But not even 5 minutes later, she's knocking on our bedroom door.

"I..I.... know we said good night...... b..but I was wondering if I could get a kiss b... before I go to bed" she says while standing by the door in the night dress I gave her that shows her long sun kissed legs.

Which left us stunned that she wants a kiss. As shy and nervous as she is, she wants to kiss us.

"Ye....Yes you can Pancake you didn't even have to ask" I say

She slowly walks up to the bed sitting in between us. And she takes a deep breath, and begins to lean into me.

Me first I see, I say to myself.

I lean in meeting her half way. First was a peck then just a quick catching of the lips then to me pushing my tongue into her mouth, grabbing her neck. Claiming every inch of her mouth. Her soft moans turn me on even more, I grab her by her waist pulling her into me more.

With her hands latch on to my thighs gently rubbing them, I slowly break the kiss off and trail kisses to her neck, earning louder moans from her. But then her moans become muffled. I pull my head from her neck only to see Jorden tonguing her down as he cradle her head in his hands. Ugh can this get any better.

Before it got even more heated, Normani pulls out the kiss saying that she should go back to her room. We all agreed even though I know none of us wanted it to end.

She kisses both our cheeks and graceful walk to the door gently closing it. Ugh we was so close to eating that pussy I tell Jorden making him laugh.

Welp okay that got intense😂

Thoughts???? 👀

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