Chapter 14

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"So you've seen her?.... And you didn't grab her and leave out that bitch!!"

"I told her I'm picking her up tonight at eleven."

" No you're not. WE are picking her up."

"Well yes baby... we are. We're getting our baby girl back" Megan says smiling at me making me smile looking down at her

"Mhmm. So how you gonna tell Diahanna. Cause you know I don't like her ass anyhow. She would've been out of it was it my choice."

"Well I see that you are so mad at me, that you didn't notice that I came home by myself. She seen Normani and I talking and tried to question me in the car. I dropped her at her house and told her that it's over. Then of course she cursed me out, but I drove off before she could even finish. Normani needs us just like we need her"

" Thank God!! I was so ready to get rid of that girl! But now we wait for nine to come. Cause even if we have to sit and wait for her shift to end. We doing that"

9:15, couldn't come fast enough. We left and have been sitting in the parking lot waiting on Normani to get off. Megan went in when we first got here to find her and get us some snacks. So now we're just sitting and waiting.

It's 11:15pm and the lights in the supermarket go out.

Yes, baby girl is off and finally back where she needs to be...with us.

We see her and 2 co workers walking out, locking the store behind her. A brown SUV swears into the parking lot, almost hitting Mani's co workers that are walking to their cars. I look back towards Normani, cause if I need to I will fuck someone up.

Normani is looking back at me in fear. That motherfucker better not have just showed up.


What is he doing here. He never came to pick me up. Now he does. The day that I never thought would come, and here he comes.

"Get in Mani!"
"Get the fuck in! Or I'mma drag you in this car!"
"Please Ty. Don't yell at me" I mutter out

Without saying anything he hops out the car, storming towards me angrily. I move to the other side of the car, trying to make as much distance between us.

In my side eye I see Megan and Jorden... Jorden's here!! My heart almost exploded seeing him.
They're running over here.

"Yo leave her the fuck alone, or we gonna have problems!" Jorden yells grabbing my hand and pushing me towards Megan

"What nigga. That's my bitch!! Remember y'all didn't want her. So you step off bitch"

"Who you talking to you little ass -" Megan starts yelling

"Megan! I got this! You and Mani go to the car"

"Nah Mani ain't going nowhere" Ty says pulling out a gun

"You think you scare me. Cause you got a gun nigga. That ain't shit!" Jorden yells back

"It's gonna be something when I put a bullet in yo head. Then hers." He says pointing to Megan

I have to do something. I can't loose them, even for this little time.


"Jorden... please. You and Meg go. I.. I'll be fine. G-Go. Please... I don't want you or Megan to be hurt... I couldn't live with myself if you did" Normani says holding my hand tight with her other hand on my cheek so I'm looking down at her.

I begin to object, but she stops me by giving me a peck on my lips. Telling me it's okay.

It's as if it's only us. I can hear Meg going back and forth with Ty in the distance. But I can't make out what either of them are saying, as Mani and I keep our eyes locked on one another.

I come out my little safe place, when Normani pulls away from me.

She goes to Megan, stopping her from yelling by giving her a kiss. Quick pecks she puts on her lips, then whispers something in her ear. Making Megan softly smile with tears in her eyes.

"I had enough of this shit." Ty says grabbing Normani by her upper arm pulling her to the car with his gun still pointed to us.

While I stood there like a punk letting this bitch ass take my baby girl away. I've never felt so weak.

We watch as Ty drives off with Normani. As Megan and I hold hands. I look down at her trying to fight my own tears as she lets her freely fall down her cheeks not stopping.

"She.. she said she'll be with us soon.... Real soon" Megan says looking up at me

"She will Bae. She will be"


I've been back to the same supermarket every single day, and I get the same response.

"She hasn't come in today. She's on vacation"

Where could she be, I think

Then I think that he's hurt her to the point that she doesn't want to come into work and let anyone see. But 2 weeks, for 2 weeks she hasn't step foot in this supermarket and it's making me scared. I get maybe 2 or 3 days, but not 2 weeks.

"No luck, huh?" Belcalis ask me as I get back in my car

"You know the usual"
"I can't help but fear that he hurt her or even killed her that night." I say breaking down

"Hey hey Meg, don't think like that. It isn't good. I bet she's trying to get back to y'all. You gotta be strong. Everything is gonna be alright... TRUST ME!"

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