4 - narration

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Cheers and applause fill the air. The football players huddled together talking about their plays with their coach. The cheerleaders are out on the field doing jumps and flips while still looking good. The crowd was wild his cheers and screams. It was an overwhelming sight.

All that commotion and mess and the game hasn't even started yet. Football finals are truly something.

Hope makes her way through the crowd and tries to find where her friends are seated at.

Hope wanted to surprise them. None of them knew she was coming. Not even Josie.

She had just driven from New Orleans so she was tired and the loud crowd made her head hurt. But she came here to support MG and that's exactly what she's gonna do.

She spots a ridiculously bright yellow banner and she knew exactly where her friends were.

They were huddled together just like MG and his team was moments ago. "Hey, guys!" She yells so they could hear her over the loud noise.

"Hope!" Hope sees their faces light up and fill with joy and shock. They rush over to where she was standing, Josie ahead of the others.

They were all running to her so fast that the next thing Hope knows she is getting embraced by someone, followed by the rest of the group.

"MG, what the hell?" Hope hears a voice yell. The squad pulls away from the hug and turns their heads to where to voice came from.

And low and behold Josie was standing a few feet away, her hands crossed, an angry pout on her face.

Hope pauses, confused. If Josie was standing a few feet away then who was hugging her?

Her girlfriend stomps over to them the pout still evident on her face. "MG, let me hug my girlfriend," Josie whines like a child. Hope holds back a laugh.

"No." MG only tightens his hold on Hope. The brunette scoffs. "Excuse me?"

"No. Hope came here for me, not for you." MG sticks his tongue out before he turns his back to Josie."

"Not true!" Josie yells, clearly getting frantic at MG's antics. Hope hears the squad try to hold back their laughter. But they were unsuccessful. Josie only pouts harder. "Hope, tell him."

Hope opens her mouth to agree with Josie —it's her natural setting— but MG was right. He was the reason for Hope's visit. Seeing her girlfriend was just a bonus.

But she can't tell Josie that without having to suffer her wrath. The squad's laughter only goes louder when Hope fails to respond.

Josie glares at Hope making the auburnette chuckle nervously.

Hope's mind is temporarily taken off of Josie and back to the boy who still had his arms around her. "I can't believe you came."

"I promised you, didn't I?"

Josie loudly clears her throat and looks at Hope expectantly. The older girl wants to laugh at the brunette's jealousy but that would only get her in more trouble so she doesn't. "Hope, it's time to let my boyfriend go. We don't want to have pyro jo coming out." Lizzie says holding Josie back.

Hope nods. She does want a hug and a kiss from her girlfriend so she pries herself away from MG's grasp. "You have a game to win and I didn't come all the way here to see you lose. The team is waiting for their QB." Hope pushes MG towards the field. "So go."

"Okay okay. I expect to see you cheering for me." MG kisses Hope on the cheek and runs back to join his team.

When MG is out of sight, Hope turns her eyes back to her grumpy girlfriend. Hope opens her arms waiting for Josie to embrace her but she doesn't.

"We're gonna give you guys a sec." Cleo chuckles. "Come on guys. Let's leave the love birds be."

The squad goes back to their designated seats and holds up the banner already cheering for MG and the Stallions.

"Don't I get a kiss?"

Josie pouts, her bottom lip jutting out. "Not anymore. Hmph" The brunette turns to walk away but Hope quickly pulls her arm.

The older underestimated her strength because Josie's body is flushed against hers. Hope uses it to her advantage. She locks her hands around Josie, effectively trapping the brunette in her hold. "Kiss me."


"C'mon. Don't be stubborn, Jo. Kiss me."

"Why don't you kiss MG?"

Hope laughs. Josie was upset about that.

"Well for one, MG has a girlfriend. Two, I love him like a brother. And three, why would I kiss him when the love of my life is right in front of me?"

"You're lucky I love you." Josie cracks a smile and leans in to kiss Hope.

"I love you too." Hope trail soft kisses from Josie's cheek down to her neck before she grabs Josie's hand and leads them to where the rest of their friends are.

"You too good now?" Jed asks. The couple nods. "Good. Now, Hope why the sudden visit? Again."

"Yeah. Should we get used to you showing up randomly?" Josie's face scrunch together in confusion.

"Wait. You guys didn't know she was coming?" They all shake their heads. "Not even you, Jed?"


"You guys can never keep a secret! And didn't want to risk MG finding out. I wanted it to be a surprise."

Josie pouts. "So you are here for MG?"

"Someone's in trouble." The squad sings songs and Hope kindly flips them off.

"Yes. But that also gave me an excuse to see you. Are you not happy I'm here?"

"I am." Josie pecks Hope's lips softly. "Of course I am."

"Do your parents know you're here?" Lizzie asks after a beat.

Hope nods her head. "After what happened the last time I do not want it to happen again. I've learned my lesson."

"What did they say?" Cleo joins in on the conversation.

"Well, after I told them my reasons. Dad was more proud of me for my romantic gesture rather than he was mad." Hope could see the shock take up Josie's face and she kisses the redness on the brunette's cheek. "And my mom, well, she made me do all the chores for a whole week, took my car keys, and made me walk to school. Luckily Maya offered to give a ride every day."

Hope feels Josie stiffen but before she could ask her girlfriend about it the squad bursts out laughing. All of them holding on to each other so they don't fall off their seats. "Oh piss off, assholes."

Lizzie regains her composure first and hits Jed on the chest to make him stop laughing. "Shut up the game is starting."

Once Jed stops laughing, they all pick up the banner they made and start screaming their cheers. Lizzie being the loudest.

Hope could hardly recall what happened next. It all happened so fast. The players were running and tackling each other. The ball was flying. Loud cheers and applause hurt her eardrums. The lights blinded her eyes. Stolen kisses here and there. It was a miracle she didn't pass out from exhaustion.

But in the end, Hope doesn't care that she hardly remembers what happened during the game all she cares about is that MG —the team— came home with a win.

i only wrote this because of the MG-Hope-Josie moment 😭 i hope you liked that

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