37 - Narration

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i wrote this all in an hour so please be nice

The Mikaelson compound was full of people by the time Lizzie and Josie decided to join the party.

The two had been so engrossed in their conversations while perfecting Josie's look that the party and their partners almost slipped their minds. Almost.

Josie's phone had been buzzing constantly as they talked and she had ignored all of them for a good thirty minutes before she had thought to finally check her phone and what she saw shocked her.

Throughout the time Josie had been chatting with her sister she had gotten over a dozen text messages from her girlfriend asking her to join her at the party. Hope's last text was five minutes ago and it reads, "Jo, please I don't know what I did wrong but I really need your help. Please come done."

Shit. Now Josie feels like a terrible girlfriend.

She knew that Hope didn't like to be at a large event alone. She knew that her girlfriend had a limit to her social interactions and she was supposed to be the one who looks after her.

With that thought in mind, Josie grabs her purse and her sister's hand and they walk out of the room together.

As they make their way to the stairs Josie notices that the chatter stops and all eyes were on them.

Fuck. Josie slammed the door too hard.

As Josie was shrinking under the eyes of strangers, Lizzie, however, was relishing in it.

The blonde confidently strides down the stairs and walks straight into MG's waiting arms. The couple walks further into the room leaving Josie alone.

Josie had hoped that after her twin descended the stairs everyone in the room would go that to what they were previously doing but they didn't. All eyes were glued to Josie. Some chatted about her dress, some men were gawking at her (which Hope didn't appreciate) some of the kids looked at her like she was a princess, and Hope's family was looking at her like she was a priceless jewel. They all had big smiles on their face.

Klaus raises his glass to her and smiles, flashing all his white and pearly teeth. He was quickly followed by everyone else in the family. Even Hope who was all the way at the other end of the room.

And the guests, seeing what the hosts were doing, followed in suit. That made Josie's anxiety worse.

As much as Josie loved the attention, she was getting shy under their intense gaze. She was shaking, her hands were beginning to sweat and if the strangers' eyes don't look away she might just run back to her room.

But fortunately for her. She was saved by her knight and shining armor. Hope.


Hope's eyes had been glued to her the moment she stepped out of the room. Her mind was completely filled with thoughts of the beauty of the person up on the stairs.

Josie looked absolutely exquisite in the dress.

In the corner of her eye, she sees her father raise his glass and she follows his action. The rest were quick to follow as well.

And in that second, Hope. could see a flash of panic shoot through Josie's eyes.

Hope knew her girlfriend well so she knew exactly what she was thinking.

In her rushed attempt to save her girlfriend, all thoughts left Hope's mind. It was like Hope's mind reset. It was like her brain had been reprogrammed and the only thing she knew, the only thing she has to do is be by Josie's side.

So without warning, Hope left Maya alone and made a beeline to where Josie is.

Hope felt like her legs were compelled to move and she couldn't stop until she reached where she needed to be. Until she reached where fate wants her to be.

Hope runs up the stairs, as fast as she could without tripping on her dress, and loops Josie's arm around hers.

Hope could see that Josie had been so lost in thought that she hadn't seen Hope approach her until they linked their arms together.

The older girl leans closer to her girlfriend and kisses her cheek. "I'm here now. You'll be okay... We'll be okay."

Josie finally cracks a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." Hope replies instantly. The girl's eyes scan Josie once more and she loses her breath once again. Josie looked more beautiful up close and Hope feels extremely lucky that she could witness this.

"You look..." Hope tries to rack her brain for a word that could best describe Josie but she comes up blank. Every compliment she could give would only fall short of the beauty that is Josie Saltzman.

No single word could fully capture all of Hope's thoughts and feelings about Josie in her dress. No earthly word could ever reach the same level of gravity and intensity as Josie's beauty in this very moment.

Hope is just speechless. And in pure and utter shock.

Josie giggles when a few seconds pass and Hope still hasn't said anything.

"There is no word that I can use to describe how beautiful you look right now." Josie looks away, her face flushed.

"Charmer." Hope cups Josie's chin and makes the brunette look at her. "I mean it," Hope says nothing but seriousness in her voice.

Josie nods. "You look ... too by the way."

Hope laughs and pecks Josie's lips. "Come on, dork."

As the girls slowly walk down the stairs, Josie gently nudges Hope's shoulder. "I mean it."

Hope turns to look at Josie when they reach the end of the steps. "I know, love." She unlinks their arms and looks around the room to see if people still had their eyes on them.

When Hope sees that the guest is now occupied, she wraps her arms around Josie's waist and kisses her softly, pouring all her love into that kiss.

The two pulled away breathless.

"I love you." "I love you."

They erupt in giggles before they lean in to kiss each other once more.

i didnt expect this chapter to just be about josie walking down the stairs but oh well. i got carried away 🤷‍♀️

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