The End

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sorry this took so long i got busy with my other story. but yay this story is finally coming to an end!

The door opens and in walks Hope, holding a tray full of food. But mostly pancakes and strawberries. Josie's favorite.

She silently closes the door and puts the tray on the bedside table. She takes a seat on the bed next to the sleeping brunette and gently shakes her awake. "Jo, baby, time to wake up."

"I don't wanna," Josie mumbles turning away from Hope. The older tries waking her again, shaking her harder. "I made you pancakes."

At the mention of food, Josie sits up.

The brunette yawns, tiredly rub her eyes, and stretches, almost hitting Hope in the head. "Sorry."

"All good." Hope kisses Josie's cheek and tucks her hair behind her ear. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept great." Josie pecks Hope's lips. "Last night was amazing, it feels like a dream."

"It wasn't a dream."

"I know." Josie dreamily looks at the promise ring on her finger and sighs joyfully laying her head on Hope's shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you more." Hope places kisses all over Josie's face making the younger girl giggle. They end up crashing down on the cushion, with Hope continuing her attack on Josie's chubby cheeks.

The brunette tries pushing Hope off of her with no real effort but the auburn-haired girl still pins her hands on her sides. Hope moves her lips from Josie's cheeks and trails them down to her neck leaving loving kisses on the skin she finds. But it eventually turns into something more. Something heated. "Hope..."

"Do you want me to make you feel good, my love?"

The younger girl bites her lips to stop the whine that's trying to escape. "God you are so—" Josie's next word fall right out of her mouth when she feels Hope's soft hands caressing her stomach.

Josie whines pushing Hope away. "Evil."

Hope lays on the other side of the bed chuckling. "Keeping me away from my pancakes." Josie tuts shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Your choosing pancakes over me. I am offended." Hope sits up placing a hand over her heart.

"Pancakes can provide my stomach's needs. You, however can't."

Hope scoffs. "I can provide for your other needs."

Josie grabs a pillow and slams it against Hope's face. "Stop being horny and give me my breakfast."

"As you wish, my queen." Hope grabs the tray from the nightstand and sets it on the brunette's lap. Josie blushes at the nickname.

Josie takes a slice of her pancake and tries to feed it to Hope, who declines it. "If I'm your queen what does that make you?" Josie takes a bite.

"Whatever you need me to be." Hope smiles. She grabs the syrup and pours it on Josie's pancakes.

Josie reciprocates that smile, offering Hope her pancakes again. "Are you sure you don't want any?"

"I already ate, but I could go for some strawberries."

Josie nods grabbing a strawberry. She keeps it between her teeth and presses it against Hope's lips and kisses her in the process. "You are such a dork."

Josie hums. "But you love me."

"That I do."

Josie finishes her plate while Hope watches her eat. Josie doesn't mind nor does she find it creepy. She loves having Hope's eyes on her, it makes her feel like she's the most special person in the world. And only Hope could make her feel like that.

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